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2 Introduction Call admission control (CAC) schemes are critical to the success of wireless networks. –the decision making part with the objectives of providing services to users with guaranteed quality –achieving as much as possible resource utilization the forced termination probability –in mobile networks, it is related to the blocking probability of handover requests The new and handover call blocking probability is major QoS parameters –Handoff calls should be considered to have higher priority than new call arrivals
Introduction (cont’d) optimization techniques –such as linear programming, –to optimize certain QoS measures e.g., to minimize the call blocking probabilities. call admission policies through resource allocation –based on certain estimates or measurements of channel characteristics such as traffic rates, signal-to-interference ratios, resource requirements, and overload probabilities 3
An Adaptive CAC Algorithm [1] C: the total number of available channels C H : reserved for handling handoff calls C A : used for handling admitted calls. –C A = C - C H 4
Adjusting C H By choosing α u < 1, our algorithm will most likely keep the handoff call blocking rate below T H by waiting for N consecutive handoff calls before increasing the number of guard channels, the system performance is kept from oscillating If T H is small, τ should be large –For more accurate D H /H In the simulation, τ = 2 hr. (7200 sec.) is used 5
Simulation –C = 50 –the new (handoff) call arrivals are modeled by a Poisson process with mean λ (γ), λ/γ = 5 –Channel holding times of both types of calls follow an exponential distribution with mean 1/ μ (=180 sec.) –T H = the percentage of decrease in the blocking rate of handoff calls is greater than the percentage of increase in the blocking rate of new calls
A Probability-based Adaptive Algorithm for CAC [2] In [1] –too many parameters to set, namely α u, α d, τ and N these parameters must be set before running, and cannot be modified in the process. –takes a long time to achieve the steady state 8
9 Solution 1 is quite unsteady the threshold (Ch) is adjusted frequently. Compared to [1], as for solution 1, HBP (handover-call blocking probability) increases greatly, while System Utilization decreases little. ? Solution THTH ru rd
10 Solution THTH ru rd
Adaptive AC scheme [3] Applications expected to produce the bulk of traffic in the multiservice Internet can be broadly categorized as streaming or elastic it seems natural to give priority to streaming traffic and leave elastic traffic use the remaining capacity If the total traffic demand of elastic flows exceeds the available capacity, some flows might be aborted due to impatience. –human impatience or –TCP or higher layer protocols interpret. Abandonments are useful to cope with overload and serve to stabilize the system but has a negative impact on the efficiency –capacity is wasted by non-completed flows AC should also be enforced for elastic traffic. 12
The adaptive scheme can be perceived as composed of one individual adaptive scheme per arrival class. When one of the arrival classes s i is suffering from congestion, the adaptive schemes of lower-priority classes become under control of the adaptive scheme of s i. 13
R different streaming services –2R arrival classes (new + handover) s i, 1 <= i <= 2R –priority: s 1 > s 2 > … > s 1+R > s 2+R c i : the amount of resource units that one quest of s i requires –c r = c r+R, 1 <= r <= R B i : the QoS objective (target blocking probability) of s i –B i = b i /o i, ex. If B i = 0.01, then b i = 1 and o i = 100 l i : the amount of resources that s i has access to. (= C H ) 14
16 [35] R. Ramjee, R. Nagarajan, D. Towsley, On optimal call admission control in cellular networks, Wireless Networks Journal 3 (1) (1997) pp.29– ) minimizing the new call blocking probability with a hard constraint on the handoff call blocking probability 2) minimizing the number of guard channels with hard constraints on both of the blocking probabilities
conclusion and comments Three adaptive admission control algorithm are introduced. –Find the balance between new and handover call blocking probabilities, while maximizing the system utilization and user satisfaction. The convergence time should be taken into consideration. –At system initialization and when traffic characteristic has changed. Multiple thresholds of guard channel and target blocking probabilities for multiple service classes should be considered. The MR should adopt Admission Control (monitoring the resource in car) to satisfy the passengers, and should request for more resource at some utilization levels. 19