Providers moving forward with personalisation Learning from the national programme 26 th September 2011
Market trends £24 billion per annum (c.16 billion state funded) More than 24,000 registered providers The number of care homes has dropped in each of the last 5 years while the number of places has grown slightly Significantly more services geared towards providing support in peoples own homes Market is growing but the funding profile is changing – 41% self-funders, 7% NHS funded, 52% council funded Recent high profile difficulties for Southern Cross and wider concerns over market stability Laing and Buisson expect a continued slow decline in council funding both in real terms and as a proportion of the market.
What people say they want… To be able to take part in social activities To keep busy, doing the things they want to do To get out and about and use transport To live in safe, comfortable homes To be close to friends, families & amenities in inclusive neighbourhoods To know how to find their way around the system To have good access to the sorts of services and support that they want
Impact on providers? Personalisation is not a simple matter, but one of deep level change that addresses engrained habits of thought and behaviour as much as resource flows, systems and structures ACEVO Commission on Personalisation 2009
Grasping the nettle Care Providers Alliance/ECCA Report
The National Provider Development Programme Jointly sponsored by ADASS, SCIE, DH and the Care Providers Alliance; Used working together for change to stimulate collaboration between providers and commissioners and drive local service development; 12 Councils covering all 9 regions and more than 30 providers from different sectors, of different sizes and covering different client groups A wide range of projects addressing a variety of issues, including: business diversification, developing more flexible services, building community capacity, individual service funds etc.
Some examples Hampton House, Northamptonshire Daisy Chain Club, Wight Homecare Choice Support, Nottinghamshire
Key learning from the programme Person-centred information is a valuable resource for service development and commissioning; Strong collaborative relationships between providers and commissioners are vital to stimulating change and driving improvement; Providers hold the expertise and the capacity to innovate and relatively minor investment and/or incentives can lead to impressive results; Many positive developments were low or no cost, often geared towards creating better connections, growing peer support and matching people Co-production has financial value and can lead to better outcomes
The product The provider blueprint Launched April 2011 Web-based, interactive resource accessed through TLAP website Designed to support provider innovation across the sector and provide a vehicle for sharing what works in delivering personalised services Also to help commissioners know the types of service/behaviour that might be incentivised and invested in locally Describes the various elements of a personalised provider organisation, i.e. what does good look like? Illustrated by case studies from the provider programme and additional materials from TLAPs wider call for evidence; Will grow over time with further opportunities to submit innovative practice materials
Some examples Several councils are using the blueprint to demonstrate elements of good practice in provider forums – using sessions on each of the core headings Some providers are using this alongside Progress for providers to assess their progress and understand what others are doing Some are are using examples from the blueprint in invitations to tender Some providers are using it as a reference during business planning The resource will grow in usefulness as people submit new examples of innovative practice in delivering personalised support How are people using it?
National Market Development Forum A group consisting of more than 50 leaders from across the sector that met throughout 2010 to debate issues relating to developing a diverse market of personalised support; Reformed for : work to be delivered through 3 Task and Finish Groups: -Market facilitation -Quality assurance and improvement -Developing personalised support Will initiate a further call for evidence from October with a view to further populating the blueprint with examples of innovative practice Will develop a guidance paper for commissioners and providers identifying growth opportunities and focused on how to stimulate and develop new models of provision
Discussion What is the local picture with providers moving forward with personalisation? How might you use the provider blueprint locally? Would you be interested to contribute your learning?