Personalisation13 Co-production at the heart September 25 th 2013
CURRENT SITUATION Personal budgets have been liberating for many people, enabling them to take greater control over their lives and improve the support they use But...too many people experience a rhetoric/reality gap. For example: Councils can often be too prescriptive on what personal budgets can be spent on e.g. only on personal care, rather than what meets outcomes Service users are sometimes penalised for wanting to have a direct payment Managed personal budgets too often dont offer real choice and control
1.Having a system that is simple to understand, transparent in the allocation of resources, how decisions are made, and monitoring arrangements and lets people use money creatively 2.Ensuring there are good brokerage and support systems that help people to think through the variety of ways in which outcomes can be met, avoiding the task and finish approach CHALLENGES
OPPORTUNITIES Co-production – councils can shift to an approach of working with service users to design and deliver services and personal budgets together thus avoiding service that no one wants The integration of personal budgets across a number of funding streams including health and social care and rolling out the Right to Control could enable people to pool PBs across all areas of their lives