Explains what must happen for a citizen of one state to sue another state
Explains process of electing our President
Slavery is officially ended
Describes the civil rights of each citizen Takes away 3/5 statement
States that race cannot be a qualification for voting
Created income tax
Describes the election of Senators to Congress
Bans the manufacture, sale or transportation of any alcohol in the United States
Gives women the right to vote in elections
Describes the process between the election and when the new President officially takes office
Erases the 18 th amendment – the prohibition of alcohol
Limits a President to two consecutive terms of office
Gives the District of Columbia 3 electoral college votes
Makes any tax to vote (poll tax) illegal X
Sets up the order for replacing the President in case there is a death or illness
Gives all 18 year olds the right to vote in elections
Any increase in pay for legislators must take place after an election