Contin- uous service improve- ment Proven innovations Trained workforce able to embrace change Education, training, innovation diffusion Appetite for change High quality care and patient involve- ment 1 Innovation acceleration
Objectives Long term: HIEC as catalyst to accelerate service transformation through innovation in education and education in innovation Short term: Delivery of the TV HIEC vision: –As quickly as possible –According to HIEC core principles –Aligned with South Central SHA vision and priorities
What will the TV HIEC do? Provide a forum for the right conversations Identify innovations needing support for diffusion Support innovative approaches to workforce education Form a powerhouse to change practice in the Thames Valley through working partnerships between the health and social care workforce, the education sector and the knowledge industries of our patch Change practice at the front-line of patient care
l Oxford University Education Partners Workforce Partners Innovation Partners Bucks New University Ridgeway Partnership Heatherwood & Wexham Park Hospitals FT Oxon & Bucks Mental Health FT Local Authorities Milton Keynes Hospital FT Royal Berks FT Bucks Hospitals Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals
TV HIEC: Learning to Transform CareTV HIEC Learning to Transform Care TV HIEC Governance HIEC Partnership Board Project AProject BProject CProject DProject E Executive Group Expert Advisory Board LINKs, Patient Panels and other groups
Early priorities Finalise business model and governance arrangements Establish strategic positioning, brand and communications including web site Scope initial projects Appoint Chair Appoint core team, patient forum and project groups
Early projects Dementia strategy implementation Care Closer to Home - Integrated health and social care workers (including Bands 1-4) Mental/physical interface transformation Improving statutory and mandatory training Scope innovation in the Thames Valley partnership
Sustainability Membership fees Leveraging innovation monies Commercial exploitation of products
SHA MOU Light touch Progress reports 6 monthly performance reviews
Perceived benefits of national HIEC network Not reinventing the wheel Speed up transmission of innovation from the national to the local scene Problem solving and discussion forum Must include a virtual network