‘WALKING THE TALK’ STRUCTURAL INCENTIVES Focal point and mainstreaming Integration of empowerment indicatorsinto ongoing monitoring and evaluation Integration of empowerment indicatorsinto ongoing monitoring and evaluation Staff targets for empowermentachievement Staff targets for empowermentachievement RECRUITMENT PROMOTION Gender awareness included in job descriptions and as key criterion for recruitment and promotion.Gender awareness included in job descriptions and as key criterion for recruitment and promotion. Advertising through channels likely to reach more women.Advertising through channels likely to reach more women. Proactive hiring and promotion strategies to recruit women into senior management positions until gender balance is reached.Proactive hiring and promotion strategies to recruit women into senior management positions until gender balance is reached. FAMILYFRIENDLY Flexible working arrangements:flexi-time, flexi-place, part-time and job sharing encouraged at all levels including senior managers.Flexible working arrangements:flexi-time, flexi-place, part-time and job sharing encouraged at all levels including senior managers. Can any work be done from home?Can any work be done from home? Maternity and paternity leave policies.Maternity and paternity leave policies. Childcare and dependent care leave and support.Childcare and dependent care leave and support. RIGHTS AT WORK Review of all norms and job descriptions from a gender perspectiveReview of all norms and job descriptions from a gender perspective Equal pay for equal workEqual pay for equal work Freedom from sexual harassment (women and men)Freedom from sexual harassment (women and men) Establish rights and responsibilitiesEstablish rights and responsibilities Structures for participation by all staff in decision- makingStructures for participation by all staff in decision- making TRAINING Ongoing training for all male and femalestaff in gender awareness, sensitisation,planning and analysis. Ongoing training for all male and femalestaff in gender awareness, sensitisation,planning and analysis. Follow-up training with specific tools andmethodologies Follow-up training with specific tools andmethodologies Training for women to move from mid- tosenior- level positions. Training for women to move from mid- tosenior- level positions. All staff gender aware Balanced representation of women and men in senior management positions at headquarters and in the field.
Good work relations BENEFITS for women and men and the organization EMPOWERING ORGANIZATION Greater staff work satisfaction Less stress Misunderstanding s between men and women Tensions between those with families and those without Who will bear the costs? The organization? Clients? Donors? Trained experienced female staff get betterpaid jobs elsewhere CHALLENGES Participatory negotiation and dialogue Establish agreed rules and norms ABOVE ALL Organizational culture and systems to value the contributions of both female and male staff at all levels Norms of behaviour for both men and women Willingness and support for change at all levels