Controlled Assessment GTE Conference January 2008
GCSE Geography Coursework Tensions –Coursework = fieldwork –Formulaic - inspired –Reliability – Validity – Manageability –Plagiarism –Level of support by teachers / parents
What will be assessed? Outcome –Test, essay, report, presentation, story board, research notes, mind map, …….? –descriptions, explanations, judgements…? Process –Questions, hypotheses, data collection, presentation, analysis, thinking, group work…?
Controlled Assessments:
Controlled Assessments Key Principles: Reliability, validity >> Match to specification: balance of assessment objectives? >> In geography, assessment of enquiry skills, especially fieldwork Awarding Body input teacher involvement + Degree of supervision, feedback, timing, individuality/collaboration, resources + Awarding Body teacher marking = level of control
Three stages of controlled assessments: key issues Task taking Discouraging malpractice Teachers confident to authenticate students work Manageability: students and teachers Task marking High quality judgements Task setting Validity & reliability Avoiding formulaic/predictable responses Supporting good teaching & learning
Levels of control Highest level: Tasks set, defined, marked by AB Lowest level: Tasks set, defined, marked by teachers Three levels of control (high, medium, low) + Three stages: (task setting, task taking, task marking) = >>>>
Level of control: Task setting Task taking Task marking High Set/approved by AB – eg task bank Five key controls: supervision, feedback, time, collaboration resources, AB marks task Medium Teachers design tasks – get approval from AB AB defines 3 or 4 of the key controls: rest defined by centre Teachers mark, AB moderates and adjusts Low Teachers design tasks –to AB criteria rest defined by centre 1 or 2 controls: rest defined by centre Teachers are trained and mark. All max high = external assessment All min low = probably too little control Pp4-6
The level of control should: * ensure validity and maximises reliability * be manageable for teachers, students & ABs Level of control: Task settingTask taking Task marking High Set/approved by AB – eg task bank Five task- taking parameters AB marks task Medium Teachers design tasks – get approval from AB AB defines 3 or 4 key controls Teachers mark, AB moderates and adjusts Low Teachers design tasks –to AB criteria 1 or 2 controls: rest defined by centre Teachers are trained and mark. Controls are set for each stage, e.g. briefing, planning, research, report production. High control in final stages (AB defines most – eg time) p7
Draft Specifications All four England and Wales ABs developing 2 specifications QCA encouraging 1 per AB? GA being asked to comment Timescale?
Controlled assessment 25% ? Externally set / internally marked Externally set / externally marked Internally set / externally marked Internally set / internally marked
QCA rules One task – AB set comparable titles At least one AB is challenging this 1.Difficult to prescribe fair range of tasks 2.Geog community would prefer more localised / individual decisions with range of suggested tasks 3.Dilemmas research or fieldwork? Which unit?
One proposal Fieldwork Task setting - low Task taking – high Task marking – medium DME Task setting – high Task taking (research – medium) ?high Task marking – medium Postal moderation E-portfolio
E-scape D&T: e-scape project: structured task where the process as well as product is assessede-scape project
ePortfolio – Where next ? Design and Technology in the future ? PDAs Digital capture pens
PDA photo captured images that may be annotated and printed. Digital capture pens store student answers electronically. Peers critique on the same paper Task + objectives Space to jot down your ideas and sketches What will your design be like to be successful Images of work in process Post-it notes Partners 1 & 2: final thoughts on your ideas
Progression Act of improving or moving forward Progression in a subject: –Subject structure –Planned curriculum experience –Pupils performance
Developing understanding Experiences Ideas Mental constructs Generalisations Model / theory Mental processes Language, recall, reflective thinking Personal meanings, Public meanings (adapted from: Bennetts, 2005)
Progression, Continuity, Sequence KS1 – establishing foundations KS2 – moving out to new challenges KS3 – building confidence, capability and inspiration KS4 – promoting participation, citizenship and new possibilities Post 16 – ensuring possibilities for specialism and scholarship
Planning based on curriculum experience Teaching and learning experiences plan for increasing: –precision and sophistication in language and grammar of geography, –breadth and complexity of understanding at a range of scales –use of generalised knowledge, abstract ideas and linkage –maturity of understanding of issues, values and attitudes –independence in using the enquiry process and geographical skills (use of reasoning, explanations, linkages and judgements)