Sharon Woodcock Making It Real Lead
Solihulls Approach to Making it Real Founding 4 Experts by Experience We asked Experts what they wanted to see happen – Hear our Voices – Include us, including the big stuff – Value us- equal partners – Use Us – we can help
Christine, Martin, Liam, Cllr Bob Sleigh & Annette
Experts are assigned to all major project activity to ensure they have real influence The Expert by Experience role is paid- valuing them & their co-producing activity The Experts are directing some key change projects Quality Assurance Activity Self- Directed support & direct payments Recognition of carers Experts delivering Specialist dementia training
Co-production is challenging to those of us who work in public services. Staff tend to look at you a bit strangely at first, and say – why are we doing this? Then they start to get it and before long they cant get enough of it. Now all staff want to work with our Experts! (Ian James Director Adult Social Care) "Critical to creating services to meet peoples needs is to bring first-hand experience into the development process. Thats what Making it Real is all about (Councillor Sleigh, Cabinet Member, Health and Wellbeing)