Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation Systems – Fall 2015
Mrs. Harrop – “hair up”
What is FUTURA? Facilitating Understanding Through Utilizing Real-Life Application
LCPS Gifted Program Goals #1 To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them. #2 To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them. #3 To develop the capacity for self assessment. (ownership of the learning)
Inquiry Tube Objective: Use divergent thinking and creative problem solving to discover how inquiry tubes might work.
Our Typical Day We meet in the cottage classroom each Tuesday starting at 9AM. Interest Centers 1 Hour Systems Curriculum 1 ½ to 2 hours Creative Problem Solving ½ hour Lunch and Recess – 45 minutes
Your Attendance Is Important To Us! If your student is going to be absent, please contact school and if possible drop me an .
Hungry? Lunch Time is 11:45 – 12:15
Independent Interest Centers FUTURA students have the opportunity to choose activities based on interest and learning style while working at their own individual pace. Students learn task commitment and time management skills. Reflect on individual accomplishments and set goals.
Possible Systems Units
Systems 4 Systems have a design 4 Systems have a function 4 Systems have boundaries 4 Systems can change 4 Systems have parts that interact Essential Understandings:
Communication Binder FUTURA News Completed Assignments and Graded Rubrics
Assessments 1 st Skill 2nd2nd 2nd2nd STGoal Setting STGiven the opportunity, the student does not demonstrate this skill Attempts to set goals but unable to meet them Sets appropriate goals and works to meet them with guidance Independentl y sets appropriate goals and works to meet them Independently sets and meets appropriate goals Independently sets and meets appropriately challenging goals
Make-Up Work Policy All students have two days to make-up essential school work. This means any work they miss Tuesday must be completed and turned in Friday morning. *Please let me know, if this becomes a stressful issue for your child.
GoQuest Same log-in Personal profile Recommended activities Assignments
Parent Concerns/Conferences Emerick Elementary Best times to call: M, W, after 2:45PM T 1:45-2:30 pm
Experts wanted. 4 Law 4 Medicine 4 Weather 4 Money 4 Communication Do you know something about: Sign up to be a school volunteer and me your contact information and area of expertise.