How to Read the Packet
STEPS 1.Assign parts 2.Definitions 3.Cursory Read 4.Examine the Info 5.Pro/Neg construction 6.Rebuttals 7.Discuss
1. Assign Parts A ten page packet can be overwhelming, and trying to read it all by yourself can be very difficult It’s much easier if you divide the packet up among your team – we’re all here to help each other! Give each person 2-3 pages to read and take notes on.
2. Definitions – (5 mins) It’s very important to identify any words in the resolution (or any other words central to the debate) and define them! If you’re on affirmative, you MUST define terms at the beginning of your first speech!
Cursory Read – (15 mins) As you read your section, highlight or underline anything for either the affirmative or the negative sides I recommend using two different colored highlighters! Quotes, examples, and statistics are almost NEVER not important!! – It’s also good to have multiple examples of the same instance *note: I find examples and statistics to be the most effective types of evidence, although quotes can also be effective if used right!
Examine the Info – (under 5 mins) Look at the information you’ve gathered: What does it mean?? Group pieces of information together, identify which supports the affirmative case and the negative case Try to come up with contention ideas that could work with each piece of evidence
Pro/Neg Construction - (20-25 mins) You should have about minutes left at this point Now is when you should start outlining your argument Work together to come up with three contentions for both the affirmative and the negative sides – You may not write down every piece of information you have, but you should make note of page numbers and bring everything up in discussion!
Suggested Outline Structure:
Rebuttals With the remainder of your time, you should make sure that you have one page devoted to the affirmative and one devoted to the negative for EACH team! In the last minutes, you should also brainstorm possible rebuttals – Here is where you can make use of quotes or other info that doesn’t fit into any of your contentions, but nevertheless refutes the opponent’s case
Discuss In your last few minutes, discuss with the rest of the team any other ideas or concerns you have about your cases Make quick last-minute improvements if you have any Brush up on some tips and techniques, and prepare yourself for some debating!