A Plan From God A Task for His People
Jeremiah 29:10-13
Just Playing Ball?
Playing with a plan?
God has a plan. His plan is to prosper (grow) his people.
Matthew 28: Make a disciple them/disciples 2-Baptize them/disciples them/disciples 3-Teach them/disciples to obey discipling We call this… discipling No one is exempt No one is exempt even while not everyone will have identical needs.
2 Timothy 2:1- 2 Examples: The Eunuch had Phillip (Acts 8:26-39) Phillip had the Apostles (Acts 6:5) Apostles had Christ/each other Paul had Barnabus (Acts 11:25-26) Timothy and Titus had Paul (letters) Timothy was called to entrust instructions to reliable men who would be qualified to TEACH OTHERS! Timothy was called to entrust instructions to reliable men who would be qualified to TEACH OTHERS! This pattern reveals God’s method for growing his people. “…and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”
Man has a task to carry out the will of God.. Hebrews 3:12-13
Why Do We Resist?
(John Wooden and Bill Walton c. 1974) (2005)
Fear of being real. Fear of being real. Apathy for change. Apathy for change. Pride of heart. Pride of heart. Growth Blockers…
Where do you need to grow? Where do you need to grow? … it is there that you need discipling!
Conclusion God’s plan is made known to us. Our task is to know it and follow it. We will rise and fall as a people of God based off of how well we do his will. We will rise and fall as a people of God based off of how well we do his will. “Intentional Discipling”. Part of God’s plan for us is to grow. We accomplish that through “Intentional Discipling”.