Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Session 3 Literacy Theme 2 – Improving Writing
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Improving Writing - PDM 2 Suggested activities for pace and Progression We are going to look at the outline of this PDM
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Session 3 Objectives: To provide an overview of the Primary Framework for literacy, focusing on the clarity of progression it provides, particularly in the teaching of writing To explore ways of assessment and tracking pupil progress in writing to strengthen AfL
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Potential of the Renewed Framework The key elements for effective implementation of the Renewed Framework are: 1.Encouraging flexibility 2.Structuring learning 3.Raising expectations 4.Broadening and strengthening pedagogy
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Jigsaw Discussion In your tables discuss the following questions: How can this key element improve the learning and teaching of writing: in units of work dedicated to the teaching of literacy? across all other areas of the curriculum? Be prepared to feedback to your original group.
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training School Audit and Action Plan There will be a chance in your own school’s PDM to discuss key issues emerging from the school audit and action plan.
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Pace of and Expectations for Learning Look at the strands in the Renewed Framework that support children to ‘write a wide range of texts on paper and screen’ (Strands 9,10,11 and 12)
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Look at expectations of Strand 10 Text structure and organisation Consider how these relate to the expectations for all children in each year group for your school.
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Progression for Learning Look at Strand 11 Sentence structure and organisation What does progression look like for all learners across all year groups? What are the subject and curricular knowledge requirements to support the teaching and learning in this strand?
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training AfL and the Renewed Framework In schools’ PDMs there will be the opportunity to consider how AfL is supported in the Renewed Framework.
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training The Piano Using observation and discussion with children for the assessment and teaching of writing The Piano is a short film used with Years 5 and 6 units of work. How could it be used for assessment and teaching of writing?
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Camera
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training What and/ or who can you see in the shot? Why is the shot composed like this? Where do you think the camera is? Why is the camera positioned in this way? When does the camera move from one shot to the next? What can you tell about the time/ place/ setting? How does the setting/ lighting contribute to the atmosphere/ meaning of the shot? What can you tell about the characters from how they are dressed? What impression is given of the characters by their costume/ body language? Possible Questions
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Lighting
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training fast-moving peaceful imposing slow dark calm funny light-hearted exciting tense angry amusing violent adventurous gentle romantic scary harsh dramatic silly sinister frightening threatening warm sad evil dangerous cold Zones of Relevance
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Pupil Tracking Systems Again in your school ’ s PDM you will have the opportunity to look at the role these tracking grids can play in raising awareness of age-related expectations in tracking individual children ’ s progress etc
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training The Learning Sequence Reflect on the learning sequence: Review>explicit teaching>practice>application>review When do you make judgements about whether the children have learned the expectation in the strand of writing across the curriculum?
Birmingham Primary Strategy Team Renewing the Frameworks Training Conclusion Any comments or issues about your deliver of PDM 2?