Using advanced camera shots, movements and editing to keep continuity 180 Degree Rule Using advanced camera shots, movements and editing to keep continuity
Continuity - Camera & Action Continuity not only deals with costume and scenery. Action and camera position need to be considered from shot to shot to create smooth running continuity. We construct a map of the invented world of the screen. Movement within and off screen needs to be considered carefully.
Two Shot
Over Shoulder Shot Over Shoulder Shot Reverse
180 Degree Rule Action line
180 degree rule There is an invisible line between them (Line of Action) The camera should only be positioned on one side of the line - within 180 degrees. "Crossing the line" results in a jump cut, discontinuity. Very disorienting to viewer.
30 Degree Rule Action line 30 degrees 30 degrees 30 degrees 30 degrees
Action Scenes If an actor exits left, we expect them to return from the left; if they exit right, that’s where they should re-enter. However with a chase or running scene the actor will exit right (usually) and re-enter left, showing us that the action is constantly in the same direction, left to right then left to right again.
Establishing Shot: A shot—typically at the beginning of a scene—that establishes the whole space (examples - Initial two-shot of characters in dialogue; image of entire room of people; city or landscape when where film takes place)
Over-the-Shoulder Cutting (aspects of Classical Hollywood Style) Two-shot: a shot composed of two people Shot/Reverse Shot: Any pair of shots in which the second shot reveals what is on the other side of the previous shot Takes: shots made during the production of a film Eyeline Matches: continuity editing dictates that if a character is looking in a certain direction in one shot, he/she should be looking in the same direction in the following shot 180-Degree Rule Over-the-Shoulder Cutting (aspects of Classical Hollywood Style)
How might you describe this shot?
Establishing Shot
Shot angle? Camera distance? Other film terms?
High Angle – Medium Close Up – Symmetrical…what else?
Which film terms could you bring to bear here?
Over-the-Shoulder Cutting from Actor’s P.O.V. (notice 180-Degree Rule)
How could you describe this shot using film terminology?
Over-the-Shoulder Cutting from Actress’s P. O. V Over-the-Shoulder Cutting from Actress’s P.O.V. (notice 180-Degree Rule)
Another Over-the-Shoulder Shot from Actress’s P. O. V Another Over-the-Shoulder Shot from Actress’s P.O.V. (notice 180-Degree Rule) – More intimacy
Another Over-the-Shoulder Shot from Actor’s P. O. V Another Over-the-Shoulder Shot from Actor’s P.O.V. (notice 180-Degree Rule) – Maintaining intimacy
Return of the Establishing Shot - Equilibrium
Use 14 shots in your Documentary Refer to handout.
3 examples: Which one is better?