Postmodernism Cinema New Hollywood Film Foundation Degree
Postmodernism Ideas
Postmodern Ideas Elevates popular culture State of simulacrum: Media and reality distinctions is blurred – Big brother. Society defined by images and representation
Postmodern Ideas No longer anything new to produce or distribute: recycling culture Feelings or alienation, insecurity, uncertainties Society of the spectacle Three minute culture - MTV Sense of reality dominated by popular media images
What does it mean for film studies? Range of ways of thinking about a film Can be used to analyse film style and production Advent of a postmodern aesthethic in film Lego Movie Trailer
Postmodernist film style Kill Bill trailer Intertextuality Fragmentation of linear narrative hybridity Blending high art and popular culture Parody Pastiche Irony Bricolage Surface style metafiction
The Scream (1893), Edward Munch
The Persistent to Time (1931), Salavdor Dali
Intertextuality The multiple ways in which a text is entangled with or contains references to other texts
Intertextuality Borrowing and transformation of a prior text on to another Relies on the audience's understanding of media texts and pop culture to make a new meaning Parody and pastiche are examples of intertextuality
What is the difference between parody and pastiche?
Intertextuality Parody Pastiche
Intertextuality Parody Imitation of another work, artist, or period often with satirical event
Intertextuality Pastiche Uses imitation as a form of flattery rather than mockery and from plagiarism in its lack of deceptive intent
ParodyPastiche Imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule Uses imitation as a form of tribute rather than mockery Intertextuality
Analyse and compare the intertextuality of the trailers Scary Movie and Kill Bill. Parody or Pastiche?
Scary Movie trailer Kill Bill trailer
Parody -Familiarity with a formula plot, conventions and characters. -Violate genre expectations - Incorporate plot, characters and conventions of dozens of films Scary Movie trailer
Pastiche -Mixing and blurring of conventions and boundaries. -Pays tribute to (imitating ) numerous genres: pulp novels, blaxploitation, grind house, kung fu and western films Kill Bill trailer
Discussion: Pastiche – controversial? Viewpoint 1 Pastiche is just recycling of art thought of - and that it lacks creativity. Viewpoint 2 Pastiche has a distinct purpose to put old and new things together to create.
Assembling artifacts from bits and pieces of other things -Genre Cross-over -Recycling old forms -Mixing high and low culture (kitsch)
Look at the following images. Bricolage? Why?
90s Fashion
2000s Lady Gaga
In what era is the film in set? Look at costume and production design Amelie trailer Amelie’s trailer
Kill Bill clip Kill Bill scene
Something heterogeneous - from more than one source - in origin or composition In one word…
Hyperreality Technologically created realities are often more authentic or desirable than the real world. Reality and fiction are blended together – no distinction
Hyperreality "The simulation of something which never really existed." (Baudrillard) "The authentic fake." (Eco)
Las Vegas
Other examples of hyperreality... “Wild ice zest berry“ – flavor that doesn’t exist A plastic Christmas tree, more real than the real one Almost all video games
Illustrate hyperreality in cinema and explain Inception infinite steps Truman Shop final scene
Complete this presentation. Research the following postmodernism concepts and use examples to illustrate your points: Self-reflectiveness / self-referentiality & metafiction Altered states Flattening of affect More human than human Time bending
Self-reflectiveness / self referentiality & metafiction
Altered states
Flattening of affect
More human than human
Time Bending