a)Explain how Shakespeare presents the character of __________in the extract. Use evidence from the extract to support your answer.
Success Criteria Character Question a) 1. Focuses on the extract and is not be side-tracked into saying things about the character which are from other parts of the play. (This is a skills-based exam and the skill, here, is to draw inferences from the reproduced extract in the exam – think on your feet!) 2. At least 3 different points. 3. Evidence (quote or reference to the text in your words) is accurate and relevant. 4. Only one brief quotation/ reference to support each point. 5. Quality of explanation about the evidence? Reads between the lines? Insightful? Perceptive? Does not just state the obvious. 6. Says more than one thing about each piece of evidence. 7. Explores different parts of the character that are shown. 2 stars… 2 wishes…
Quote Action/ Position for this quote Reason for your Action/ Position ( started with: this will suggest to the audience that.). 10 mins
Success Criteria Performance Question b) 1. The answer demonstrates that the candidate has powerfully visualised how the scene should be performed and the intensity of the descriptions is impressive. 2. The following structure is used: Quote Action/ Position for this quote Reason for your Action/ Position ( started with: this will suggest to the audience that.). 3. Facial expression is described and explained ( this will suggest to the audience that…). 4. Tone of voice is described and explained ( this will suggest to the audience that...). 5. Pauses are described and explained ( this will suggest to the audience that….). 6. The reactions of other characters who are present on stage are described and explained ( this will suggest to the audience that.). 7. Positioning relative to status is described and explained ( this will suggest to the audience that...). 8. Movement and gesture is described and explained ( this will suggest to the audience that...). 9. Comments on costume, props and lighting are avoided, so that the answer is focused on suggestions that highlight character, situation and language. 2 stars…2 wishes…
Themes/ ideas (can you think of any others?) murder the supernatural betrayal guilt evil/ the devil disturbance in the natural world (things that are against God and nature - things against the natural order of things) The personal disorder of the king is reflected in his country and in the world of nature. Evil must be defeated, natural order needs to be resumed. loyalty/ disloyalty goodness/morality madness death blood violence kingship (the dignity or rank or position of a king) honour ambition heaven/ hell power Remember: there are lots of words to describe the same theme/idea (that’s the complexity of the English language.
c) In the extract, _____ is mentioned. Explore the significance of _____ in one other part of the play. (10) 15 mins
Success Criteria Theme Question c) 1. Choose one scene or one part of a scene in which this theme is significant, important, (and one which you are familiar and confident with and can write a lot about!). Do not talk generally about the whole play. 2. Start by identifying the part (no need to put Act and Scene numbers), using the words … ‘ Another part of the play where the significance of is shown is where/ when ’ 3. Explain how the chosen part is important in the play as a whole. How is it affected by what happened before? How does it affect what happens next? 4. Explain what the chosen part teaches us about a character, characters or a relationship. What does it tell the reader about the characters and their attitudes? How does it help the reader predict what will happen next? 5. Explain the effect on the audience, how does this part of the play it make them feel. 6. Explain how Shakespeare uses this part of the play to communicate ideas. Use the words … ’Shakespeare is suggesting… or Shakespeare is emphasising….. ‘ 7. Do not just write an account of what happens in this part of the play (this is not a high level skill!). 8. Do not mention the film! Refers to the play as if it’s a play written for the stage. 2 stars… 2 wishes…