LUNCHAFTER SCHOOL MON Book Group Library 12.30pm S4-S6 Senior Debating Club Rm245 12:45pm S1-S2 Girls Hockey 3.40 – 4.45pm Astroturf S1-S6 Netball pm S1-S6 Girls Football Training pm Fitness suite S1-S6 Boys Hockey 3.35 – 4.45pm Astroturf TUES S1 Boys Football – 1.30pm S1 Science Club Room – 1.40pm S1-S3 Drop in Support Group (Interview Room 1) pm S4-S6 Biology Supported Study 1.00 – 1.35pm S4-S6 Senior Debating Club Rm245 12:45pm S1-S6 Gymnastics Club pm S3-S6 Badminton pm S4-S6 Biology Supported Study pm WED S1-Dodgeball Lunchtime S1-S6 Lego Club Rm pm S1-S3 Table Tennis Dance Studio – 1.10pm S3 Badminton Games Hall – 1.15pm S1 Football S4-S6 Biology Supported Study pm S3 & Senior Girls’ Hockey 3.35 – 4.45pm Astroturf S2-S6 Basketball pm THUR Scripture Union Rm pm S3-S4 Fashion & Textile Technology Support Study Room pm S2 Badminton – Thursday lunchtime S1 Basketball pm S3-S4 Fashion & Textile Technology Support Study pm Room 159 S3-S6 Badminton pm FRI Dance Club Dance Studio pm (all year groups) History Film Club Rm pm S1 Basketball Games Hall 1.00pm WHAT’S ON AT MILLBURN Thursday 9th October 2014 All year groups
Fashion Show At Millburn Academy Tuesday 4 th Nov Tickets on sale This Week Adults £7 Pupils £4 Come along and have a great night. Thank you. World Challenge Team Expiry date:10/10/14 All year groups
SINGING GROUP Friday at 1pm Room 237 Everybody welcome Graphic here Miss MacKillop All year groups Expiry date: 10/10/14
Road Safety – Millburn Road Roadworks on Millburn Road Please use the crossings provided Do not put yourself in danger Use the Yellow route Please do not use the Premier Inn car park as a short cut. Pupils have been seen cutting through the Works Area – do not enter this area as it is dangerous! All year groups Expiry date: 10/10/14
£20 HMV voucher winner: Franchesca Iyog Young Enterprise Raffle Results Lunch queue pass winner: Lauren Righini Thank you to all pupils who bought tickets All year groups Expiry date: 09/10/14
Highland Schools Swimming Championships Wednesday 5 th November, Inverness Aquadome. Swimmers Completed entry forms MUST be with Mrs Russell by interval TODAY, if still wishing to enter. Mrs Russell All year groups Expiry date: 09/10/14
Scripture Union Every Thursday from 12.30pm Room 160 Bring your lunch or call in once you’ve eaten! All Ages Welcome Mr Graham Expiry date: 09/10/14 All year groups
Bake Sale Tomorrow (Friday) at break-time to raise money for World Challenge India Cakes for sale – Yum! Yum! Mr Miller All year groups Expiry date: 10/10/14
All year groups Expiry date: 10/10/14
Breakfast Club starts after the holidays! (Trial period until end of November) Open from 0800 – 0830 at the canteen Toast, cereal, bacon/sausage/egg rolls, croissants and fruit juice available Seating provided at the long tables All year groups Expiry date: 10/10/14 Spooky Food and juice included!! Thursday 30 th October Costume competition - win prizes!! 7.00 – 9.30 Ghostly games Tickets£4Tickets£4Tickets£4Tickets£4 Expiry date: 30/10/14 S1-2
S1-3 Expiry date: 10/10/14 Top Floor Study Area No S1, S2 or S3 pupils in this area at morning interval and at lunchtime. Mr MacLean
Underwater Hockey Aquadome competition pool Thursday nights from 9:00pm till 10:00pm Aged 13+ £12 a month See James Walton or Arran Haigh S4 for more details S2-6 Expiry date: 10/10/14
Careers Interview Timetable Thursday 9th October 2014 Please attend for interview in Interview Room 3 at the start of the period shown Period 2Kayleigh MeddicksS5 /R Period 4Lauren IrelandS5 / R Period 5Romario BrudenellS5 / R Period 6Connor MacMillanS5 / R Period 7Lachlan EngelS5 / F RESERVE:Calum HillS4 / F S4-5 Expiry date: 09/10/14
Rock Challenge 2015 Calling all gymnasts, dancers & performers – if you are interested in taking part in or finding out more about Rock Challenge please come to a meeting in Room 333 at 12:45 on Friday 10 th October Miss Collins S4-6 Expiry date: 10/10/14
World Challenge India 2015 Reminder for all WC pupils that there is a full meeting for both teams TODAY at 12.55pm in room 217, all MUST attend. Any pupil that cannot make it please see me ASAP. Mr Miller Expiry date: 09/10/14 S4-6
S3 Expiry date: 10/10/14 S3 Assembly There will be an S3 Year Head Assembly tomorrow, Friday 10 th October.
Battlefields Trip 2015 Meeting at interval TODAY Room 253 Do not be late! S3 Expiry date: 09/10/14
S5 All S5 pupils who are intending to progress to university after S6 should attend a presentation by Aberdeen University on Tuesday 28 th October Period 4. Please register/ask permission to attend then make way to assembly hall. Mr Mathieson Expiry date: 28/10/14 S5
Prefects Thanks to the Prefects who helped at the S1 Parents Evening. All of the parents who commented did so in terms of your friendliness and helpfulness. S6 Expiry date: 09/10/14
Careers Interview Timetable Friday 10th October 2014 Please attend for interview in Interview Room 3 at the start of the period shown Period 5Katie BremnerS6/G S6 Expiry date: 10/10/14