Section 150-175.  They found a metal grocery cart.  It would be too much to carry between the two of them and would slow them down. Also, the Boy is.


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Presentation transcript:


 They found a metal grocery cart.  It would be too much to carry between the two of them and would slow them down. Also, the Boy is the lookout and clears away the ash and debris from in front of the cart, while his Father pushes.

 The Man comes from a different world than the boy. The Man remembers cars, flowers, people living in peace, etc. To the Boy, the Man is alien (from a strange place).  The Man is trying to show the Boy this “alien” world (the “old” world) through stories, toys, kindness, etc.

 If they hadn’t found the bunker, they could have given up. Laid down, feel asleep and died. Now, since they’re the good guys they have found food and must go on. The “good” guys don’t give up.  The Man is tired. Ready to give up.

 Boy has never been educated in Science. All he knows is what his father has taught him. He knows the earth is a planet and mars is a planet, so they must be the same.  That those who are still surviving are moving to Mars? Could also foreshadow that the Earth is dying and will turn into Mars? Could foreshadow that those who survive will have to change their survival skills and ways to cultivate to match the way the world is now. Those who survive will adapt to the “new” world.

 Carried a “rucksack” and tapped along the road with an old cane. Towel tied around his jaw. Smelled TERRIBLE! No shoes and feet were wrapped in rags. Numerous layers of clothing with holes in it. “Looked like a pile of rags.”  The Boy wanted to help the Old Man because he is good, kind, carries the “old” society values.  The Man didn’t want to waste their supplies, as he knew the old man was close to death.  The Man let the boy have a small happiness. Also, have lots of supplies, so don’t feel bad helping him. Could also be because he is old and therefore he felt bad for the man.

 He lies about his age. Tells people he is 90. Won’t bother him because he is so old.  No. People still steal from him and take his things. Has nothing of value, but they do anyways.

 Opinion!

 If he had died, it would have been quick and he wouldn’t have had to fight through what happened after the apocalypse. Now, he can’t bear to kill himself, so he continues to fight. Because of this, he has to think about death, and death coming to get him on a daily basis.  This tells us the human spirit will never give up. There is an inherent belief in hope and that something better will come.

 A prophet is a person that speaks for God. This is ironic, as if there are prophets, then there has to be a good. You cannot have one without the other.  The man means that those who are left speak for God. He makes the comment that you wouldn’t know if you were the last man on earth. You’d just be the last man on earth. Without people, there is no God (in his opinion).

 He doesn’t want anyone talking about him. If someone knew his name, they could talk about him. Since the Man doesn’t know his name, he could be anybody; just another survivor that they met on the road. Telling someone your name makes things personal. It’s better to keep things very formal, as “in times like these” there is nothing to talk about… but the bad.

 Death hangs around all the time. It takes people on a daily basis. Death is equated to a person according to the old man. Once everyone is dead though, there will be no one for Death to take. No more sadness, because who will be sad? This will be a good day, because finally, Death can’t hurt anyone ever again.

 The Boy helped the man not only because he is good, but because he feels “blessed” to have found the underground bunker. He wants to pay it forward to someone else, especially a helpless old man! Just like he wanted to help the dog and the little boy he saw in the town.

 He knows that if he dies, the Boy will be left alone and he will not be able to survive. He is not concerned with himself dying, or how much it will hurt (perhaps it will ever be a release). He is more concerned about his son. He is a parent and loves his Son. He needs to teach his son everything he can in the short weeks that follow, but can he?