OPINIONS ON CHARLIE HEBDO EVENT Our penpals from Tallinn wrote their opinions about Charlie Hebdo
“Firstly, I do not think that this incident could be called a “terrorist attack”. In my understanding the words “terrorist attack” means killing of many people without appropriate reason and in this case there was a reason. Nobody likes when someone insults something that means a lot to him. Although I do not believe in God, I can imagine how unpleasant it was for Muslims. Of course, it is not a good reason to kill people, but considering temperament of followers of this religion, it was expected. I do not justify them, because almost any murder is a bad thing. As for caricaturists, it can be considered that they were punished for insulting the beliefs of other people, but of course it was not a fair punishment. In conclusion, I want to say...that it is bad to insult people...Even if you are angry, you should forgive insulters with the idea that justice will prevail in any case.” (V.G.)
“Nowadays, terrorism is one of the biggest problems in the world but the terrorist attack that happened in France this January is a scandal and could give us a key to solve terrorism problem. First of all, I want to say that I am not on the side of Charlie Hebdo and not the terrorists. Both of the sides are in fault. Terrorist attacks were a reaction on Charlie Hebdo`s caricatures, in which Islamic religion was strongly harassed. Secondly, I think that terrorist group did not even try to set up contact with Charlie Hebdo or right defence organisation. That was completely not smart. In my opinion, the actions that were taken after the accident are also very irregular. Instead of making rules on caricaturing, which should require no religion harassment, everyone started to act, as if it is normal to harm someone`s rights in caricature form. To sum up, I am sure that killing or other agressive actions do not solve problems. To solve any problem, everything must be done peacefully.” (S.J.)
“In my opinion, some Muslims are fanatics, who believe that their religion is the most correct for all people and Muslims can kill for it. I confess I hate Muslims, because I am afraid of them. It is difficult for me to write about terror, because it hurts me to know that people can be cruel and cynical. I hope that people understand that life of people is valuable and nobody can kill a man. I am sorry! It is a tragedy for the whole world!” (K. S.)
“Terrorism is a problem and we all know it. But why do people do so horrible things? I do not know the answer but I have my own opinion....I know how it is painful to read a paragraph about someone who you like. Muslims ans Christians are devoted to God and the Prophet. I am not a believer and I do not have anything against anyone but why do we release a caricature of Muhammad? It is obvious that Muslims would not like it and I am not defending anyone. I believe that they are to believe (the workers of Charlie Hebdo)but who cares? They did not kill anybody but Muslims did. I do not want to go into political issues but I want to emphasize that not only Muslims are to blame but the French too.” (N. A.)
“Terrorism is a strange thing and noone knows how exactly to fight against this public show … Some people believe that we can get rid of terrorism but this is impossible, but they absolutely do not know how to fight against terrorism, that is why they act unwise. For example, the accident in France. As I said, terrorism is a show! If a show becomes popular, obviously will appear another one. The French showed that this accident meant a lot for them in other words terrorists won. They need attention like a little child and when a lot of people gather around him, he feels satisfied. …. But if we want to reduce terrorism, it will not work, because terrorists always get what they want. They make every news channel, every internet resource and people speak about it. This feedback make them stronger and more confident in their action... (O.S.)
« This is a terrible situation. Many people live in fear and it is abnormal. I think, terrorism is the biggest problem in our time in all countries. We all have to be very careful, attentive and politically polite. Now it is dangerous to live anywhere. It (terrorist attack) could happen with everyone of us. … Our government has to protect us and take responsibility... People have to show loyalty and treat different religions and cultures with respect. Be more friendly and tolerant... » (V.A.)
« In my opinion these terrorist attacks are just consequences of rush actions of journalists....It is vital to mention that terrorism is an awful crime and because of it many people suffer and even die.... Some French journalists drew caricatures that were insulting Muslims and their religion. I suppose that defamation of any religion is unacceptable!... People should respect all people regardless of their nationality or religion.... Journalists should check their works in order not to push on the conflict people from different countries and nations. » (A. M.)