Bailey Riley University of North Texas LTEC September 16, 2009
Let’s Get Organ-ized / Unit on the body’s main organs and their basic functions / TEKS Health Education / TEKS English Language Arts and Reading / TEKS Technology Applications / TEKS Fine Art / Second Grade / Unit on the body’s main organs and their basic functions / TEKS Health Education / TEKS English Language Arts and Reading / TEKS Technology Applications / TEKS Fine Art / Second Grade
Chapter 115. TEKS for Health Education / Health Education, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 3. Health Information. The students understands the basic structures and functions of the human body and how they relate to personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to: / (b) identify the major organs of the body such as the heart, lungs and brain and describe their primary function. / Health Education, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 3. Health Information. The students understands the basic structures and functions of the human body and how they relate to personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to: / (b) identify the major organs of the body such as the heart, lungs and brain and describe their primary function.
Chapter 110. TEKS for English Language Arts and Reading / English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 1. Listening/speaking/purposes. The student listens attentively and engages actively in a variety of oral language experiences. The student is expected to: / (b) respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions; / (c) participate in rhymes, songs, conversations and discussions; / (d) listen critically to interpret and evaluate / 4. Listening/speaking/communication. The student communicates clearly by putting thoughts and feelings into spoken words. The student is expected to: / (b) clarify and support spoken messages using appropriate props such as objects, pictures, or charts / English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 1. Listening/speaking/purposes. The student listens attentively and engages actively in a variety of oral language experiences. The student is expected to: / (b) respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions; / (c) participate in rhymes, songs, conversations and discussions; / (d) listen critically to interpret and evaluate / 4. Listening/speaking/communication. The student communicates clearly by putting thoughts and feelings into spoken words. The student is expected to: / (b) clarify and support spoken messages using appropriate props such as objects, pictures, or charts
Chapter 110. TEKS for English Language Arts and Reading Continued / English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 14. Writing/purpose. The student writes for a variety of audiences and purposes, and in various forms. The student is expected to: / (a) write to record ideas and reflections / English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 14. Writing/purpose. The student writes for a variety of audiences and purposes, and in various forms. The student is expected to: / (a) write to record ideas and reflections
Chapter 126. TEKS for Technology Applications / Technology Applications, Kindergarten-Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 5. Information Acquisition. The student uses a variety of strategies to acquire information from electronic resources, with appropriate supervision. The student is expected to: / (a) apply keyword searches to acquire information; and / (b) select appropriate strategies to navigate and access information for research and resource sharing. / Technology Applications, Kindergarten-Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 5. Information Acquisition. The student uses a variety of strategies to acquire information from electronic resources, with appropriate supervision. The student is expected to: / (a) apply keyword searches to acquire information; and / (b) select appropriate strategies to navigate and access information for research and resource sharing.
Chapter 117. TEKS for Fine Arts / Art, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 2. Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using variety of media and appropriate skill. The student is expected to: / (a) express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines; / (b) create effective compositions, using design elements and principles / (c) identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials / Art, Grade 2. / (b) Knowledge and Skills / 2. Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using variety of media and appropriate skill. The student is expected to: / (a) express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines; / (b) create effective compositions, using design elements and principles / (c) identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions, and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials
Analysis of Learners / 2nd graders / Boys and Girls / 6-8 years old / Short attention spans / Hands on learners / Visual learners / 2nd graders / Boys and Girls / 6-8 years old / Short attention spans / Hands on learners / Visual learners / Prior knowledge of major body structures and organs from 1st grade
State Learning Objectives / Second grade health education students will be able to identify four of the major body organs and their functions when shown a picture of each organ.
Learning Levels / Knowledge: students can recall names and basic functions of four organs previously learned / Comprehension: students can describe each organ / Application: apply facts to decide which active verb goes with which organ (on their chart) / Analysis: students can distinguish differences between the four organs / Knowledge: students can recall names and basic functions of four organs previously learned / Comprehension: students can describe each organ / Application: apply facts to decide which active verb goes with which organ (on their chart) / Analysis: students can distinguish differences between the four organs
Lesson Plan: Individual Work Each student will: / Color a picture of each organ / Cut out each organ / Make their accordion book, following teacher instructions / Paste the pictures into appropriate pages in their books / Paste organ facts on appropriate pages in their books Each student will: / Color a picture of each organ / Cut out each organ / Make their accordion book, following teacher instructions / Paste the pictures into appropriate pages in their books / Paste organ facts on appropriate pages in their books
Lesson Plan: Individual Work Part II Each student will: / Go to the library and search the internet, on approved websites, for the most interesting fact they can find about one of the four organs / Students will use the fact they found later in the lesson when constructing their accordion book / Preferably a fact that was not given on their fact sheets or already discussed in class Each student will: / Go to the library and search the internet, on approved websites, for the most interesting fact they can find about one of the four organs / Students will use the fact they found later in the lesson when constructing their accordion book / Preferably a fact that was not given on their fact sheets or already discussed in class
Learning Activities / Organ Cards / Color each organ / Cut out each organ / Paste each organ on a page in their accordion book, leaving a page in between each picture / Now their book is halfway complete / Organ Cards / Color each organ / Cut out each organ / Paste each organ on a page in their accordion book, leaving a page in between each picture / Now their book is halfway complete
Learning Activities / Organ Facts / Each student will get a set of facts for each organ / The students will cut out the organ facts and glue them into their accordion books on the appropriate pages / On the last page of their book they will write the most interesting fact they learned in this lesson / Organ Facts / Each student will get a set of facts for each organ / The students will cut out the organ facts and glue them into their accordion books on the appropriate pages / On the last page of their book they will write the most interesting fact they learned in this lesson
Lesson Plan: Small Groups / Divide class into 4 groups: heart, lungs, stomach and brain. / Each student tell their group one fact about the organ the found in the library / Class discussion on what each group learned about their organ / Divide class into 4 groups: heart, lungs, stomach and brain. / Each student tell their group one fact about the organ the found in the library / Class discussion on what each group learned about their organ
Lesson Plan: Whole Class Instruction / Make a class chart on the whiteboard / Each student name an action word associated with an organ / Have that student come up and write that word under the proper organ it affects / Make a class chart on the whiteboard / Each student name an action word associated with an organ / Have that student come up and write that word under the proper organ it affects / Examples: / exercising- lungs / thinking- brain / eating- stomach / learning- brain
Learning Activities / Make up a worksheet for the students to do at the end of the day after they have completed all their work or at home as a review / Organ Riddles / Organ Puzzles / Organ-izational Chairs* / Make up a worksheet for the students to do at the end of the day after they have completed all their work or at home as a review / Organ Riddles / Organ Puzzles / Organ-izational Chairs*
Example: Heart / Heart Facts / Hi I’m your heart. I’m the size of your fist. Touch your chest and feel me pump the blood through your body. Feel the hard bone that is around me? That protects me inside your chest. Exercise me by running instead of watching TV or playing video games. / Heart Facts / Hi I’m your heart. I’m the size of your fist. Touch your chest and feel me pump the blood through your body. Feel the hard bone that is around me? That protects me inside your chest. Exercise me by running instead of watching TV or playing video games. / Organ Riddle / It has a beat, that warms your feet An important part, is your heart / Organ Puzzle / she-s + cart-c = heart
Evaluation of Lesson / Questions I will ask myself after the lesson: / Did I allow enough time for each activity of the lesson? Did I give too much time? / Did I cover each students learning style? / Will they remember what they just learned a week from now? A month from now? A year from now? / Were the activities too difficult? Were they too easy? / Was the lesson effective? / Did my students have fun while learning? / What can I do to make the lesson better next time? / Questions I will ask myself after the lesson: / Did I allow enough time for each activity of the lesson? Did I give too much time? / Did I cover each students learning style? / Will they remember what they just learned a week from now? A month from now? A year from now? / Were the activities too difficult? Were they too easy? / Was the lesson effective? / Did my students have fun while learning? / What can I do to make the lesson better next time?
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