Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 1 Crew Management Newlands Northern Underground Welcome Glen Donnellan Development Superintendent Newlands Northern Underground
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 2 Today MMMMovie on Glenden/Northern Underground HHHHistory on the Northern Underground CCCCrew Management during high turn over
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 3 Newlands Northern Underground
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 4 Xstrata QLD
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 5 Newlands Underground Mines TTTThe Northern Mine is located in the same seam (UNS) as the Southern mine. There is only 2,000 metres between the workings of each mine. TTTThe Northern Mine has 6 Longwall blocks accessed directly from the open cut between ramps 4 & 6. 22229 million tonnes
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 6 Newlands Northern Underground
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 7 The Portal Area Newlands Seam Upper Portal 80m High wall Reverse Fault
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 8 The Start
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 9 Taking Bottoms
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 10 The First Portal
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 11
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 12 After Floor Brushing
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 13 History of Newlands Northern Underground Northern started in 2003 with Walters developing the mains until the Development drivage at the Southern underground was complete in April 2004 Contractors finished up at the end of April 2004 January to the end of April mts were driven by Walters at an average of metres per month Development crews started at the Northern Underground in May 2004
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 14 One unit only The unit 1 x 12cm12(Joy) with 5.8 metre head Road way dimensions are 5.8 mts wide and 4 metres high 1 x shuttle car (Joy 15sc32) 1 x stamler breaker feeder 1 x aux fan(23)
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 15 Development Crews Cutting crews work 7 on 7 off The 4 coal cutting crews are made up of 1 x Deputy 6 x Miners 2 x Fitters 1 x Electrician The maintenance crew work 5 on 2 off 1x Deputy 3 x Miners 3 x Fitters 2 x Electricians
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency In first year of the permanent workforce arriving at the Northern Underground 10,789 mts were driven from May to December 2004 At an average of metres per month
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 11113,877.3 metres were driven AAAAt an average of 1,156.4 metres per month
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 11110,713 metres were cut in 2006 AAAAt an average of metres per month TTTThis was down metres per month down from the previous year
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 19 Movement of People In June 2006 we lost 18 people to another pit 13x Miners (12 were miner drivers ) 4 x Deputies 1 x Mining Co-ordinator This reduced the development department to just 2 full coal cutting crews
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 20 Pit Average TTTThe impacted it had on the company MMMMonthly average metres per month dropped from to metres DDDDown 469 metres per month
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency BBBBefore people left JJJJanuary to June a total of 6368 metres were driven at an average of 1061 metres per month AAAAfter people left JJJJune to December a total of 4345 metres were driven at an average of 724 metres per month
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 22 S enior M anagement T eam BBBBusiness goals TTTThe company vision GGGGetting the right people to fill permanent roles within the company GGGGive our front line supervisors (Deputies) the correct tools to do manage their crews to meet the companies goals
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 23 The Plan SSSStep 1 MMMMove people around within the crews to keep the development ticking over until the crews were manned up fully SSSStep 2 EEEEmploy the right team leaders (Deputies) SSSStep 3 EEEEmploy the right crew members SSSStep 4 TTTTrain our team leaders up to understand the people in their crews SSSStep 5 TTTTrain the crews up to the Newlands standards and procedures
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 24 Team leaders tools MMMMBTI (Myer Briggs type indicator) Help them in understanding the people within their crew better AAAActive leadership training ( Give them the tools to lead and get the best out of their people )
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 25 Why is Newlands Northern Underground using MBTI TTTTo build a common framework for discussing effective communications, team work and TTTThrough greater understanding and better relationships achieve alignment to Newlands Underground’s values and future vision. HHHHelping people to understand TTTTheir comfort levels (preferences) at work and at home TTTTheir source of discomfort (out-of preference) at work and at home TTTThe impact of their preferences on self and others DDDDifferences in theirs and others preferences and the impact on relationships
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 26 Where do you prefer to focus your attention? Where do you get energy? E xtraversion and I ntroversion Outgoing, expressive Energised by interaction Initiate conversation Act before reflecting Sociable – easy to get to know Have many interests Need regular interaction Interested more in external events Communicate more easily by talking Learn best by doing or interacting Reflective, quiet Energised by being alone Wait to be invited Reflect before acting Reserved – take time to get to know Focused on a few things in depth Need privacy for concentration Interested more in internal reactions Communicate more easily by writing Learn best by reading and reflecting MBTI
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency YYYYTD 5324 metres have been driven 2222410 metres have been driven in the high wall dips area with no belts using shuttle cars piggy backing to the surface
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 28 Back in the gate roads TTTThe crews in the last two months in the gate roads are cutting at an average of metres per month TTTThe same crews six months ago were cutting at metres per month TTTThis is up metres per month CCCCut rate has jumped from 2.6 mts/hr to 4mts/hr
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 29 Breaking new ground CM02 has cut 27 km without an over haul Joy 12CM12
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 30 The last 2 months Averaged mts per week 79.5 up time hrs per week Cut mts
Underground Operations Safe Production through Teamwork Standards and Urgency 31 Thank you A A A Any Questions