Adisorn Foongkajorn Chiang Mai Seismic Station
Abstract A drop of number of seismicity is a seismic precursor (Bath,1979). During , earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt had occurred continually. After deployment of the World Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN) in 1960’s, instrumentally seismic data of the region has been collected systematically. According to this study more than 3000 of the earthquakes of magnitude 5 in the Sumatra- Andaman seismic belt were analyzed and mapped. About 10% decline of seismicity was found in 1990’s. Then the most destructive event of the region occurred on 26 December 2004 with consequently high seismicity.
Scope of the study
Seismic Precursors
Seismic precursors - Decreasing Vp/Vs (10-20% change) Electrical resistivity (15% change) Number of seismicity - Increasing (geodetic measurements) Tilt Vertical motion Volumetric strain (Bath, 1979:298)
First Episode of the Great Sumatra Earthquake
Indian Plate that has played an important roll in the Sumatra- Andaman Seismic Belt
Panoramic Scene of the Sumatra- Andaman seismic belt
Origin of Volcanic Island Arc as Andaman and Nicobar were originated
Epicentral Distribution in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt during
Number of the Earthquakes in Sumatra- Andaman Seismic Belt during YearNo.Change(%) * * Development of highly sensitive seismograph Total 3152
Number of the Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman Seismic Belt during
MagnitudeNumber 91 81 717 6186 Magnitude of the Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt during Total 3152
Magnitude of the Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt during
Depth Distribution of the Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt during
Cumulative Depth Distribution of the Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt during
Cumulative Depth Distribution of the Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman seismic belt during
Depth Contour of the Earthquakes in Sumatra- Andaman seismic belt during
Depth of the Earthquakes in Sumatra- Andaman seismic belt during
Rupture, surface wave propagation and co-seismic displacements measured by GPS of the great Sumatra earthquake on 26 December 2005
Aftershock Distribution of the great Sumatra earthquake on 26 December 2005
Magnitude of the Earthquakes in Sumatra- Andaman Seismic Belt on 26 December 2004
Depth of the Earthquakes in Sumatra- Andaman Seismic Belt on 26 December 2004
Major and Great Earthquakes in Sumatra- Andaman Seismic Belt during
Major Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman Seismic Belt during
Major Earthquakes in Sumatra-Andaman Seismic Belt during
Conclusions According to the study more than 3000 of the earthquakes of magnitude 5 in the Sumatra- Andaman seismic belt during were analyzed and mapped. About 10% decline of seismicity was found in 1990’s. Then the most destructive event of the region occurred on 26 December 2004 with consequently high seismicity. The drop of number of seismicity is precursory potential for earthquake prediction.
Thank you very much