Elvis Presley By Ryan Skillingstad
Elvis’s Home Life Elvis Presley was a sing/song writer in the 1950’s and 60’s. Many girls fantasized about him. He was born in Tupelo Mississippi on January 8 th 1935.
Continued He grew up as an only child and moved in 1948 to Memphis Tennessee. He had a twin brother but he was died before labor or during.
Singing Career He started to sing for records in 1954, and was sold to RCA by his contract. By 1956 he was a international sensations, he starred in 33 successful films. He had 14 Grammy nominations with 3 wins from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.
Continued Elvis was rejected by three or four different groups before he started to sing in public. People told him he is never going to sing good or have a singing career. He was about going to give up on singing when a band needed a singer, and he was asked to sing all he knows.
July 30 th, 1954 Presley, Scotty and Bill performed at the Overton Park Shell in Memphis. That was his first show in public, he was known later after the concert to be a great.
U.S. Army After all of these of singing and living large. On March 24, 1958 Elvis in Memphis goes to the U.S. Army draft. He is suppose to serve 18 months in Germany on duty.
Post Army On March 5, 1960 Elvis Presley is officially discharged from the army. On the 20 th of March he holds his first post army recording session.
Priscilla May 1 st 1967 Elvis is married to Priscilla in Vegas, at the Aladdin Hotel. In the following year Priscilla gives birth to Lisa Marie Presley.
President Nixon Elvis meets president Nixon in the Oval Office in the White House. Later Elvis purchases a Convair 880 Jet for $250,000.
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center The year 1977, April 21 st Elvis goes on his last singing tour. He visits cities such as Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and even Rapid City.
Elvis and Priscilla Elvis and Priscilla were granted their divorce on October 9 th, They separated in February 23 rd, Their separation was finalized in July 1972.
Elvis has Died Elvis Presley dies in his home. On August 16 th 1977, he is found dead by his girlfriend Ginger Alden. He was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead on the stairs of the hospital.
Continued Elvis is buried next to his mother, but two months later I unburied and moved to Graceland with his mother.
The End