Ovarian Cancer Risk Reduction Taking oral contraceptives for 5 years can reduce your risk of ovarian cancer by up to 50% Hankinson SE, Colditz GA, Hunter DJ, et al. 1992
Understanding Risk and Family History
Understanding Levels of Risk Diagnosed gene mutation associated with breast or ovarian cancer: BRCA 1, BRCA 2, PTEN and others… Untested, but have a first degree relative with a diagnosed gene mutation Diagnosed gene mutation associated with breast or ovarian cancer: BRCA 1, BRCA 2, PTEN and others… Untested, but have a first degree relative with a diagnosed gene mutation HIGH RISK GROUP: KNOWN “HEREDITARY” OR “GENETIC” RISK INCREASED RISK GROUP: “FAMILIAL RISK” One or both of the following: 1 st degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer or otherwise strong family history of either Personal history of abnormal breast biopsy AVERAGE RISK GROUP: “SPORADIC” RISK No 1 st degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer or otherwise strong family history of either No personal history of abnormal breast biopsy
What Does Risk REALLY Mean? Average Risk 1.5% Chance 12% Chance Over a Lifetime Increased Risk Up to 5.5% Chance Up to 25% Chance High Risk Up to 54% Chance Up to 87% Chance 75% of breast and ovarian cancers
Know Your Family History Use the My Health History Form in your packet to get started Use the My Health History Form in your packet to get started
Assess Your Risk
Family History Factors + Lifestyle Factors
Assess Your Risk Results. Print and take them to your doctor!
20 minutes can save your life… if you act
What’s Next? Key follow-up steps: 1.Complete the Assess Your Risk Tool 2.Share with a woman you love
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