Cells There are two main types of cells:
Prokaryotic D N A small Cell walls Cell membrane ribosome bacteria cytoplasm Cell membrane Cell wall DNA
Cell wall Cell membranes Eukaryotic Nucleus DNA examples: plants animals fungi protist
There are two main types of eukaryotic cells:
Plant Cell wall Mitochondria vacuole
nucleus Cell wall Cell membrane mitochondria Chloroplast
Animal chloroplast Ribosomes vacuoles
Cell membrane mitochondria nucleus
all enters leaves Cell membrane protect support NOT Cell Wall
store water vacuole proteins ribosomes
Clean up lysosomes
light sugar water oxygen chloroplast photosynthesis
A T P oxygen Mitochondria Respiration
modifies Golgi Apparatus
moveme nt flagella cilia
control chromosomes D N A Nucleus
This is a(n) _____________ Cell. Animal
This is a(n) ______________ cell Both cells have a nucleus, so they are ______________ cells Plant eukaryotic
chloroplast photosynth esis
lysosome vacuole
ribosomes Golgi apparatus
Cell membrane Cell wall
Mitochondria Respiration – makes ATP
Nucleus Chromosomes D N A