Technical and scientific literature Ludo Holans STIMULATE 2004
I. Introduction A. Historical overview : from TTY tot Internet - apparatus - platforms - information suppliers
I. Introduction (2) B. Literature - subject-indexing - classifications - key-words - formal indexing (ISBD, AACR2..) - full-text
I. Introduction (3) B. Literature - primary - secondary - tertiary
II. Assessment of an I.R.-system - searching possibilities - costs - reliability of data - exhaustivity - browsing - fault-tolerance - level
III. Search instruments 1. Classical (not gratis) access via intranet – servers access via internet – hosts All kinds of literature (primary, secondary en tertiary)
III. Search instruments 2. Internet (gratis) A. Classification 1. Directories
III. Search instruments (2) 2. Search engines (single) 3. Meta-search engines a. Metasites b. “Human Resource”-website Question Point
III. Search instruments (3) A. Pitfalls - stoplist with keywords - too many keywords and synonyms - alternative spelling - spelling mistakes - Boolean construction too difficult B. Solution : use of filters
IV. Literature offer 1. Mathematics - Classical : primary : full-text secondary : Zentralblatt MathSciNet - Internet : repositories or depositories primary Multi-repository marthematics collection DML: digital mathematics library
IV. Literature offer 2. Physics Classical : primary : full-text OIP/AIP secondary : INSPEC Internet : repositories or depositories - primary : Los Alamos institutional : Papyrus s.html s.html CERN
IV. Literature offer 3. Chemistry and chemical engineering Classical : primary : full-text ACS AiChE Secondary : Scifinder/ other e.g. Corrosion Abstracts Kirk-Othmer / CRC / Beilstein / Gmelin / Perry /
IV. Literature offer 3. (next) Internet : primary : repositories or depositories full-text Secondary : chemical kinetics database on the web : NDRL/NIST Solution kinetics database on the web :
IV. Literature offer 3 (next) Material Safety data sheets : Chemfinder : Chemcyclopedia 2004 : G1/search.asp G1/search.asp Chemical acronyms database : m/acronyms/acronymsearch.html m/acronyms/acronymsearch.html
IV. Literature offer 3 (next) Chemical and physical properties : (scirus search) : IUPAC-NIST Solubility data series : CCD (ChemExper Chemical Directory)
IV. Literature offer 4. Geology Classical : primary : full-text secondary : Georef /Geoarchive/ Compendex Internet : primary : full-texts secundary : Geoscan database Mining environment database : hp hp Geo-Guide : Virtual earth : tml tml
IV. Literature offer 5. Biology – Agriculture Classical : primary : full-text secondary : Medline / BIOSIS / CAB / FSTA / Agris Internet : primary : full-text highwire : BioOne : html html
IV. Literature offer 5. (next) secondary : Agricola : CDL/LOC environmental : Entrez nucleotide – PopSet – Protein – Structure – Toxline : bin/sis/htmlgen?TOXLINE bin/sis/htmlgen?TOXLINE
IV. Literature offer 6. Engineering classical : primary : full-text Secondary : Compendex ISMEC – METADEX – FLUIDEX – APID – WEB OF SCIENCE - + SOCIETIES + previous databases
IV. Literature offer 7. Computer sciences Classical : primary : ACM/SIAM secondary : Zentralblatt/INSPEC/MATHSCINET Internet : Collection of computer science bibliographies : Decatomb production database : NEC Research Institute Citeseer :
IV. Literature offer 8. Mechanical engineering classical : primary : full-text : ASME secondary : Compendex, INSPEC, ISMEC, WELDASEARCH Internet : NTRS : NASA Technical Report Server : Bibliotheken : Yale University : nical.html nical.html
IV. Literature offer 9. Electrical and electronics engineering classical : primary : full-text / IEE/IEEE/IEL secondary : INSPEC Internet : Circuits archive - UWEE : NTIS : VLSI :
10. Others Energy : Energy Citations Database adv.jsp/ adv.jsp/ Cogprints (also AI, robotics) CE Database (ASCE)
10. Others (2) CORDIS Spectra - NIST Atomic Spectra Database - Database of Raman spectra specarb.html specarb.html
10. Others (3) - Patents USPTO Web Patent Database Micropatent (not free) disciplinary e.g. : DNA patent database (DPD) nmain.htm?/ nmain.htm?/