Strategic direction informed by: 2 President - State of the Nation Address: 10 February 2011 “continue to improve capacity and effectiveness of the police in particular the detective services, forensic analysts and crime intelligence; we have increased visible policing and patrols in identified hotspots; proliferation of illegal and legal firearms; prioritise crimes against women and children; more energy in the fight against drug abuse and drug peddling; not tolerate tavern owners who sell alcohol to children; fight against corruption also continues” Minister of Finance – Budget Speech: 23 February 2011 refers to phrases: “…..increase in police personnel…… ……upgrade of information technology….” The strategic direction of the Department is directed by the President’s State of the Nation Address and takes into account: The Medium-term Strategic Framework; Government’s Programme of Action; and The Criminal Justice System (CJS) Review The strategic issues impacting on the Department are addressed inter alia by: The Strategic Plan The Estimate of National Expenditure The Annual Performance Plan 2011 / 2012
3 Intensifying the fight against crime which is channeled towards one goal – “All people in South Africa are and feel safe”, resulted in the development of an outcome- based model and monitoring tool by the Presidency, together with the JCPS Cluster, which focus on: Levels of overall contact and trio crimes; Effectiveness and integration of the criminal justice system; Corruption; Crime perception management; Effectiveness and integration of Border Management; Securing the identity and status of citizens; and Integration of Information Communication Technology systems and the development of an integrated cyber crime approach. Strategic direction informed by:
4 Emanating from these strategic directive principles, the Department will focus on the following areas in 2011/2012: Crime prevention o Reduction of crime levels, in particular trio crimes and crimes against woman and children; o Improving police response and the policing of incidents of public disorder; o Substance abuse as a contributing factor to the violent nature of crime; o Measurable increase in visibility through police actions; o Implementation of an intelligence-driven, integrated, crime prevention strategy; and o Reduction of illegal firearms. Crime perception management o Mobilization of the community in the fight against crime; o Building a positive image of the SAPS; and o Implementation of the Victim Empowerment Programme. Effectiveness and integration of border management o Contribute to effective border management and the establishment of a Border Management Agency. Strategic priorities for 2011/2012
5 Focus in 2011/2012 continue: Combating corruption o The prevention, detection and investigation of corruption in the SAPS; o Managing perceived and actual levels of corruption; and o Coordinated anti-corruption operations across the CJS. Investigation of crime o Effective investigation of reported crime, with the focus on the detection and court-ready dockets rates; o Coordinated focus on apprehending and charging known criminals; o Further capacitating of the Detectives and DPCI; o Focus on national priority crimes, including serious economic crime, with the key consideration being the combating of cyber-crime and identity theft, corruption and organised crime; o Improving of the Criminal Justice System (CJS); o Establishment of specialised units to deal with priority crimes, particularly crimes against women and children and stock theft; o Intelligence utilization; and o Coordination of delivery of quality and professional services. Strategic priorities for 2011/2012
6 Focus in 2011/2012 continue: Support to the investigation of crime o Improve forensic services and fingerprints; o Improve the collection of evidence; o Improving procedures for the updating of records of offenders; o Further capacitating of the Criminal Records and Forensic Science Services; and o Enhanced processing of forensic and fingerprint evidence Crime Intelligence o Provide actionable intelligence on crime priorities and to enable prosecutions; o Emphasised intelligence operations pertaining to serious crime including contact and trio crimes, syndicates involved in drug and people smuggling and human trafficking; o Capacitate crime intelligence; o Enhance the quality of threat assessments; o Improving targeted undercover operations through advanced covert methodology; and o Improve coordination between crime intelligence and operational Divisions. Strategic priorities for 2011/2012
7 Focus in 2011/2012 continue: Human Capital Development o Skills development through Training Provisioning Plan and retention of skills; o Focus recruitment of personnel through Human Resource Management Plan; o Health and wellness of employees; and o Transformation. Budget and resource management o Improving infrastructure; o Building of new police stations / offices and the refurbishment of existing stations / offices; o Victim friendly facilities; o Enhancing asset management; and o Critical items, including vehicles and bullet-resistant vests. Enhanced Information Systems and Information Communication Technology (IS/ICT) o Development of IS / ICT, including integration of systems across the Cluster; o Coordinated management of continuum of criminal justice and performance across the CJS; and o Implement Information and Communication Technology Plan. Strategic priorities for 2011/2012
8 Linkages to other Plans and Strategies: Human Resource Management Plan Information and Communication Technology Plan Anti-corruption Strategy Risk Management Strategy Service Delivery Improvement Programme Rural Safety Strategy Strategic priorities for 2011/2012
9 Allocations: Financial figures
10 BUDGET – 2009/10 TO 2013/14 (WAY FORWARD) 8.5% 7.4% 14.6%
Nominal growth from 2009/10 (R47,622 billion) to 2013/14 (R66,696 billion = R19,034 billion (39,9%) Average annual nominal growth over the medium term from 2010/11 is expected to be 7,6% Strong growth over time mainly reflects – Employment of personnel Conditions of service Capital infrastructure Technology modernisation BUDGET GROWTH – 2009/10 TO 2013/14 11
New allocations (Over and above) 12 Purpose 2011/12 R’ /13 R’ /14 R’ ENE Baseline MTEF Baseline allocation 2011 ENE Additional funds allocated Additional policing personnel Tactical Response Teams to be established Municipal charges Compensation of employees – carry through of higher salary adjustments in Crime Intelligence capacity Less: Baseline efficiency savings( )( )( ) TOTAL net additional allocated
Programmes Programmes reflect broad purposes and functions on which funds are expended (Year-on-year increases) Main Programmes 2010/11 Revised Estimate R million 2011/12 Estimate R million % Increase 2012/13 Estimate R million % Increase 2013/14 Estimate R million % Increase Administration % % % Visible Policing % % % Detective Services % % % Crime Intelligence % % % Protection and Security Services % % % Total % % % 13
SCOA Items R millions 2010/11 Revised Estimate 2011/12 Estimate % Increase 2012/13 Estimate % Increase 2013/14 Estimate % Increase Current payments -Compensation of employees -Goods and services % 6.9% 13.5% % 6.3% 7.5% % 8.1% 6.4% Transfers and subsidies -Provinces and municipalities -Departmental agencies & accounts -Households % 4.2% 4.3% 5.9% % 8.0% 8.5% 4.6% % 3.7% 3.8% 5.1% Payments for capital assets -Buildings and other fixed structures -Machinery and equipment -Cultivated assets % 10.5% 7.5% % 25.1% 5.9% 6.4% % 5.5% 2.2% - TOTAL % % 14 Economic classification Items represent goods and services to pursue purposes and functions (Year-on-year increases)
Compensation budget: Categories of expenditure /12 R million Wage bill (Salary, pension, bonus, cost of living etc.) Enlistments Allowances891.0 Overtime381.9 Rental allowance Medical schemes Scarce skills and promotions359.0 Total (71% of allocation)
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Purpose: Develop policy the department, including providing administrative support. Strategic objective: To regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralized support services. The Administration programme comprises the following four sub programmes: Ministry Management Corporate Services Property Management 16
Key Departmental Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Develop policy the department, including providing administrative support Sub programmeProgramme performance indicator Baseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Ministry Management Corporate Services Property Management Percentage of personnel in terms of the approved establishment. 98.9% ( ) Maintain 98% ( ) Percentage of learners declared competent upon completion of their training in terms of the Training Provisioning Plan (TPP). 88.1% trained competent Maintain 88% members will be trained of which will be developed as detectives. Compensation expenditure versus operational expenditure. 71/29% 17 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION
Key Departmental Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Develop policy the department, including providing administrative support Sub programmeProgramme performance indicator Baseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Ministry Management Corporate Services Property Management Percentage of capital investment, asset management and maintenance plan completed. -100% firearms (6 600) and bullet resistant vests (9 628) planned for to be procured and distributed -100% firearms dot pin marked 4.61:1 personnel to vehicles Maintain the ratio of 4.51:1 personnel to vehicles. New police facilities – 3 Re-established – 2 70% of police facility projects completed New facilities11 Newly re-established facilities 4 Re-established facilities 8 Repaired & upgraded facilities 7 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 18
Key Departmental Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Develop policy the department, including providing administrative support Sub programmeProgramme performance indicator Baseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Ministry Management Corporate Services Property Management Percentage of capital investment, asset management and maintenance plan completed. -90% capacity projects completed 14 police stations to be provided with electricity generators, 51 police stations to be provided with water, and 85 police stations to be assisted with sanitation. 19 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION
Key Departmental Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Develop policy the department, including providing administrative support Sub programmeProgramme performance indicator Baseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Ministry Management Corporate Services Property Management Percentage of planned development (within the SAPS and between relevant departments), sustainability and implementation of systems -70% of IS/ICT annual funded projects completed. Number of service delivery inspections conducted at cluster and station levels. 580 inspections concluded Conduct 600 service delivery inspections. 20 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION
Expenditure estimates: Programme 1: Administration 21 Purpose: Develop departmental policy and manage the department, including providing administrative support Management includes the provision for the Civilian Secretariat for Police Corporate Services consists inter alia of Human Resource Development (R1,4 billion), Technology Management Services (R3,6 billion) and Supply Chain Management (R3,4 billion) of which R1,235 billion is for Capital Works, Personnel Services (R1,003 billion), Human Resource Utilization (R187 million) and Financial Services (R570 million), etc. Intensified funding levels especially for the CJS Revamp initiative (R1,1 billion), IJS projects (R281,6 million) and Hosting / Network infrastructure upgrades (R628 million) within the TMS environment and Office accommodation (R2,536 billion) within the property environment, etc. Sub-programmes Ministry Management Corporate Services Office Accommodation TOTAL 2010/11 R million /12 R million
Establishment Targets - Projected vs Actual 22
SAPS Enlistment Programme 2002 to Since 2002/03 up to 2010/11 already additional personnel appointed apart from replacements as well (64,24% increase) Appointment of new enlistments over the medium term period is planned to total ± comprising of in 2011/12, in 2012/13 and in 2013/14, also taking into account personnel losses Growth from 2002/03 up to 2013/14 is anticipated to reflect new personnel apart from ± replacements as well (70 % increase) Increase in stipends for entry level constables from R1600pm to R3175pm to attract and retain better quality applicants
Overview of the SAPS Training Provisioning Plan 2011/ Courses: 6 807Trainees:
25 Human Resource Development Priority provisioning Detective Training Detective training is divided into the following: Basic course (two week preparatory / orientation course) Resolving of Crime Course (duration one year) Specialized Detective Courses Short Interventions (e.g. Statement Taking, Interviewing and Interrogation, etc., to sharpen detectives skills from time to time) Note: The reduces the backlog of untrained detectives. The remaining will be addressed over the next two financial years Members: Basic Course Members: Resolving of Crime Course Members: Specialized Courses Members: Short Interventions Other priority provisions: Client / Customer Service Development: Learners – / Victim Support: Learners – / Violence Against Women and Children: Learners – 9 999
SCM Strategy – Bullet Resistant Vests (BRV’S) Uniquely Identifying BRV A unique serial number allocated to Bulletproof Vests Marked to improve identification, location and custodianship Inspections are conducted to ensure that Bulletproof Vests are inventoried correctly ito item identification, condition, location etc By means of inspections by Internal Audit, Auditor General and Performance Management, parade inspections, stocktaking and handing over of command The marking of new Bulletproof Vests by manufactures will be implemented on1 April 2011 with the establishment of the new contract Bulletproof Vests are certified bi-annually to ensure correctness of asset information 28
Supply Chain Management Number of BRV’s in SAPS vs Number of BRV’s marked 29
SCM Strategy - Vehicles Suitability and Issuing criteria Criteria developed to ensure issued vehicles fit the environment and function where it need to function i.e. LDV = rural areas Different environments i.e. CSC different need vs Detective Services. Different personnel/vehicle Ratios for different policing services (e.g. Detectives, CSC, Administration, K9 Units etc Asset Register was enhanced for the optimization of vehicle purchasing and distribution. The asset register is continuously updated for all users and the data is verified All SAPS vehicles are allocated in terms of the vehicle fleet asset register and terms of the pre-determined issuing criteria Number personnel to vehicle Ratio 4.56:1 for 2010/
Supply Chain Management Capital Works and Devolved funds (office accommodation) 31 Category Revised Estimate R’ /11 Estimate R’ /12 % Increase Estimate R’ /13 % Increase Estimate R’ /14 % Increase Maintenance & Property rates % % % Municipal services % % % Property leases % % % Sub-total % % % Capital Works, % % % Total % % % Day-to-day maintenance (Projects amounting to less than R per case) % % % 31
Principles: Devolvement of budgets from Public Works Full portfolio of funds devolved as from 2006/07 financial year o Maintenance and property rates User charges (rental) system introduced Planned maintenance to be performed by DPW for all non-functional accommodation Payment: Quarterly invoices o Municipal services SAPS opt to have DPW perform this function on their behalf – 5% management fee is charged Payment: Cost recovery basis, monthly invoices o Property leases Remain DPW responsibility Payment: Quarterly invoices o Capital Works DPW and SAPS to perform execution of projects Payment: Cost recovery basis in respect of actual expenditure, monthly and expenditure against budget (own resources) 32
IJS Programme Strategy Create / upgrade departmental system capacity to improve operational information flow. Thereafter transversal integration between departmental systems INCARCERATE PROSECUTE INVESTIGATE RE-INTEGRATE ADJUDICATE SAPSNPADOJ&CDDCSDSD CRIME REPORT & ARREST CAS CRIMCIRAFIS CPSJDAS RDOMS Inmate Tracking Child Protection Register DSD Case Management NPA BI/GIS Case Tracking DOJ MIS DCS BI/GIS SAPS BI/GIS DHALASABACSA 33
Integrated Justice System PROJECT Requirement Specification DevelopmentInfrastructureMaintenance Allocated FY’ Property Control and Exhibit Management (PCEM) 2,082,76233,404,285908,1356,194,47542,589,657 Detention Management (persons tracking) 2,714,95745,000, ,714,957 Identity & Access Management 02,946, National Photo Image System 992, ,8671,725,6313,565,862 Live Scan (Stand alone fingerprint scanner) 01,348,3207,094,580 3,005,10011,448,000 Field Terminal Devices (Hand held Mobile device information detection) 0028,698,862 0 Action Request for Service (ARS): First line Incident Management 3,625,5836,147,5204,738, ,89414,870, 964 Integrated Case Docket Management (ICDM): Administer Case 3,950,14718,484,78422,373,863044,808,794 34
Integrated Justice System Notes: Capability Acquisition dates subject to budget, ongoing resource availability (skills acquisition and retention) and tender process timescales Multi-year deployment timeframes subject to annual budget approval cycles Operational acceptance dependent on operational budget & resource capacity, not funded by IJS ring-fenced funding The Requirements Specification column includes resource funding for the compilation of business requirement specifications, tender documentation preparation etc. The Development column includes procurement of software, development resource cost and Programme Management resources The Infrastructure column includes hardware and software requirements for the projects/programmes The Maintenance column includes SITA SLA’s, third party SLA’s and the SAPS IJS and IJS Transversal Programme Management Office, SAPS Enterprise Architecture and Repository resources PROJECT Requirement Specification DevelopmentInfrastructureMaintenance Allocated FY’ SAPS Services Integration Programme - SI Bus 08,634,247015,173,88323,808,130 Program & Architecture Management 00 08,723,310 IJS Transversal Sub-Programme 14,520,84214,797,72613,694,6789,417,77552,431,021 TOTAL: 13,365,813151,286,60578,356,95238,596,630281,606,000 35
Technology Management Services: CJS Allocation 2011/2012 (R1,100,000) 36
CJS Revamp PROJECTInfrastructure (hard & s/ware) DevelopmentAllocated FY’ Forensic Science Laboratory381,322,057 Biology Section (*)196,000,00 Generic IS/ICT Requirements74,969,614 Ballistic Section (*)30,342,534 Chemistry Section (*)26,550,000 Western Cape Plattekloof24,272,128 Scientific Analysis Section (*)14,427,000 Explosive Section (*)11,200,000 Questioned Documents3,560,781 Criminal Record Center235,000,000 Replace AFIS and establish Wanted Database195,000,00040,000,000 Integrated Mobile Vehicle Data Control Centre System (IMVDCS) 483,677,943 Procure, customise and implement193,471,177290,206,766 Note: (*) Specialised laboratory equipment 37
National Network Upgrade Program (NNUP) Plan DETAILED DESCRIPTIONFY’ 2011/12 Funding628,000,000 Hosting Upgrade106,820,780 Vodacom Broadband Core bandwidth (recurring monthly cost)24,536,203 Remainder of funds dedicated to NNUP sites496,643,017 Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure for priorisited NNUP sites 2011/12 181,071,508 Cabling for priorisited NNUP sites 2010/11 and 2012 sites181,071,508 Consolidated servers for priorisited NNUP sites 2010/11 and 2012 sites15,000,000 Server software6,000,000 Upgrade of Access Data Layer data lines installation4,000,000 Access Data Layer lines (recurring monthly cost)109,500,000 38
Remaining Requirements for SITA Business agreement Service level Agreements (SLA) SAPS revised position Consultants Contract management Payments Radio Technical Services (TETRA): R 226,984,344
PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provided for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines. Strategic objective: To discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the levels of priority crimes. The Visible Policing programme comprises the following three sub programmes: Crime Prevention Border Security Specialised Interventions 40
Key Departmental Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provided for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Prevention Reduce the number of reported serious crimes by 2% Reduce the number of reported serious crimes within the rural environment by 2% -Reduce by 2% Reduce the number of contact crimes by 4-7% Between and Reduce the number of trio crimes by 4-7% Between and PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING
Key Departmental Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provided for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Prevention Increase the number of recoveries as a result of policing focusing on: Stolen and lost firearms by 3% Stolen and robbed vehicles by 3% Illicit drugs by 3% Cannabis kg kg Mandrax mandrax tablets Cocaine66kg Crystal meth (Tik-Tik)33kg Whoonga /nyope by 3 %To be determined Liquor by 10% lt lt 42 PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING
Key Departmental Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provided for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Prevention Increase the recovery of state owned firearms by 3% Reduce the incidence of: Stolen/lost firearms by 3% Stolen/robbed vehicles by 7% PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING
Key Departmental Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provided for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Prevention Closing of identified unlicensed/illegal liquor premises by 100% % Reduce the number of escape incidents from police custody by 50% Number of crime awareness campaigns conducted -Conduct 4 Izimbizo's Finalise outstanding applications for firearm licenses, permits, authorisations and renewals. -100% of backlog finalised by 31 July 2011 New applications for firearm licenses, permits, authorisations and renewals processed -Applications finalised within 90 working days 44 PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING
Key Departmental Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provided for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Border SecurityIncrease planned crime prevention and combating actions at South African borders by 3% Identified borderlines taken over by the SANDF -SANDF to take over the Free State and Eastern Cape borderlines Specialised Interventions Stabilise medium to high-risk incidents 99%100% Percentage of safe delivery of valuable and or dangerous cargo in relation to the number of cargo protection provided 100% 45 PROGRAMME 2: VISIBLE POLICING
Expenditure estimates: Programme 2: Visible Policing 46 Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, provide for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borders Biggest programme in Department (Weight 42%) Include visible policing personnel at stations Increase mostly due to intensified funding levels for cost of living increases and additional personnel Ports of Entry moved from Programme 5 to Border Security and Railway Policing from programme 5 to Crime Prevention above which also contribute to growth levels Sub-programmes Crime Prevention Border Security Specialized interventions TOTAL 2010/11 R million /12 R million
Crime Prevention Reduce the number of reported serious crimes by implementing crime prevention operations focusing on: Legal and illegal firearms Illegal drugs Stolen/robbed vehicles Stolen / robbed / lost state firearms Reduce the number of escapes from police custody. Implement crime awareness and public education programmes Implementation of the Rural Safety Strategy Mobilization of the community through CPFs 47
Crime Prevention continues… Develop measures to enhance and sustain visibility Improve command and control Utilization of reservists to enhance visibility Improve customer service at all police stations All police stations to provide victim friendly services Monitor the implementation of fraud and corruption strategies in the Visible Policing environment 48 Sector policing Implemented sector policing in 923 police stations Enhance the implementation of sector policing in 2011/2012 Conduct an impact assessment of sector policing
Police Emergency Services Enhancement of police emergency services 49 Firearms, Liquor and Second Hand Goods Control Administer and implement Second Hand Goods Act Administer and implement the Liquor Act Administer and implement the Firearm Control Act Finalization of outstanding applications for firearm licenses
Operational Response Services Specialised Interventions 50 Specialised intervention capacity to enhance and compliment normal policing functions Provide capacity and capability to ensure public order In conjunction with Technology Management Services, provide modern information technology solutions at the borders
PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Strategic objective: Contribute to the successful prosecution of crime, by investigating, gathering and analyzing evidence, thereby increasing the detection rate of priority crime. The Detective Services programme comprises the following four sub programmes: Crime Investigation Specialised Investigations Criminal Record Centre Forensic Science Laboratory 51
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Investigations Detection rate for contact crimes, contact-related crimes, property- related crimes, crimes dependent on police action for detection and other serious crime % ( ) Detection rate of between 46 – 65% Percentage of court ready case dockets for contact crimes, contact- related crimes, property-related crimes, crimes dependent on police action for detection and other serious crime. -3% increase on the baseline determined for 2010/11 52 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Investigations Detection rate for contact crimes59.62% ( ) 60 – 65% Percentage of court ready case dockets for contact crimes -3% increase on the baseline determined for 2010/11 Detection rate for trio crimes14.31% (10 841) 18.25% (15 108) Percentage of court ready case dockets for trio crimes -3% increase on the baseline determined for 2010/11 53 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Investigations Detection rate for crimes against women (18 years and above) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] 71.92% ( ) 71 – 75% Percentage of court ready case dockets for crimes against women (18 years and above) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] -3% increase on the baseline determined for 2010/11 54 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Investigations Detection rate for crimes against children (under 18 years) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] 66.27% (45 006) % Percentage of court ready case dockets for crimes against children (under 18 years) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] -3% increase on the baseline determined for 2010/11 55 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Specilalised Investigations Percentage of court ready case dockets for fraud and corruption by individuals within the JCPS cluster -3% increase on the baseline determined for 2010/11 Detection rate for serious commercial crime-related charges. 37%40 – 50% Percentage of court ready case dockets for serious commercial crime- related charges. -30 – 40% 56 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Specialised Investigations Percentage of serious commercial crime-related court ready cases where individuals are involved in procurement fraud and corruption- related cases. -50 investigations initiated -25 court ready cases -R125 million in assets restrained 57 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Specialised Investigations Percentage of registered serious Organised Crime Project Investigations (OCPI) successfully terminated -To be determined due to changed mandate Criminal Record Centre Percentage of original previous conviction reports for formally charged individuals (SAPS 69's) generated within 20 days 63.41% ( out of a total of ) within 30 days 80% original previous conviction reports generated within 20 days Forensic Science Laboratory Percentage of case exhibits (entries) processed by Forensic Services within 28 days 86% ( out of a total of ) case exhibits processed by Forensic Services within 35 days 92% of case exhibits (entries) processed by Forensic Services within 28 days 58 PROGRAMME 3: DETECTIVE SERVICES
Expenditure estimates: Programme 3: Detective Services 59 Purpose: Enable the investigative work of the SAPS, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the criminal record centre Continued personnel capacity increase for all environments above CJS Revamp initiatives will also strongly promote further capacity enhancement at both Forensics and Criminal Record Centre Specialised Investigations consisting of DPCI Significant resourcing of the DPCI especially from 2012/13 Detectives to receive specific training focus as seen under programme 1 Sub-programmes Crime Investigations Criminal Record Centre Forensic Science Laboratory Specialised Investigations TOTAL 2010/11 R million /12 R million
Detective Services Operational priorities 60 Enhance development capability In collaboration with Human Resource Development, various training programmes will be implemented for the 2011/2012 financial year Mentorship of all entry level constables into the detective services has been implemented Monitoring of performance Developed strategy that deals with work allocation to detectives Consultative process of internal role players Process was developed around two sites Strategy has resulted in defining individual performance levels
61 Monitoring of performance (continue) It provides for dedicated detective capacity at cluster and provincial level which will monitor / oversee the management / intervention process of individual investigators and station performance Templates have been developed to guide, monitor and manage risks and compliance Coordination of investigation In order to ensure efficient management of crime scenes, a crime scene management manual was developed in consultation with prosecutors and investigators which complies with legal prescripts to ensure prosecution. This process is currently being rolled out to all police functionaries involved in the attendance of crime scenes Detective Services Operational priorities
62 Coordination of investigation (continue) Crime investigation manual to be revised for specific crimes which will enhance the effective investigation of crime The functions of the detective court case officers were further enhanced to include management / screening of court ready case dockets to enhance case flow management Internal coordination The re-configuration of cluster functions will lead to greater coordination between Crime Intelligence, Forensic Science Services and Detective Services. This will be included in the performance management process of managers within the cluster Detective Services Operational priorities
Forensic Services Operational priorities IMPROVE FORENSIC SERVICES AND FINGERPRINTS CRIME SCENES Improve the collection of evidence at crime scenes UPDATING RECORDS OF OFFENDERS CONVICTED Improve procedures for updating of records of offenders convicted of crime SHARING OF DATA BASES Strengthen capacity of SAPS in identifying individuals involved in crime INCREASED TURN-AROUND TIME Increase turn- around time for generating of previous conviction reports Increase turn- around time for processing of fingerprint evidence 63
CAPACITATE THE CRIMINAL RECORD AND FORENSIC SCIENCE SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE Expand infrastructure to support decentralization of services provided ENHANCE TECHNOLOGICAL CAPACITY Procure new technology or expanding existing technology to deal with expected increase in workload IMPROVE SERVICE DELIVERY OF INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES Improve training & competency certification, in accordance with national standards INCREASE TURN- AROUND TIME Increase turn-around time for processing of forensic evidence 64 Forensic Services Operational priorities
65 Forensic Services Operational priorities
Forensic Services Objectives of the CJS Revamp To ensure a forensic human resource capacity, responsive to the needs of the Criminal Justice System 2. To provide support to the criminal investigation & judicial process through effective crime scene management 3. To ensure the provision of reliable and timely forensic findings supporting the effectiveness of the criminal justice system 4. To establish an enabling mechanism for improved business performance and the accreditation of the forensic services laboratories 5. The facilitate the modernization of Systems 6. To create forensic awareness
Forensic Services Resource allocation - CJS RM 2010/2011 RM 2011/2012 RM 2012/2013 IT for FSL & CRC FSL & CRC Apportioned Compensation TOTAL / / /2013 FSL CRC TOTAL PERSONNEL ALLOCATION [POLICE ACT PERSONNEL] EARMARKED FUNDING 67
Capacitate the priority crime management center to ensure a credible priority offences crime threat and risk assessment Ensure project investigations that address serious Organised crime (prioritised threats and criminal networks) Ensure investigations that address serious corruption including a focus on corruption within the JCPS cluster Ensure investigations that address serious commercial crime including a focus on fraud at municipalities 68 DPCI Operational priorities
Capacitating of the new units according to the approved National Structure on physical and human resources Anti Corruption Investigation Component Anti-Corruption Investigations Unit Integrity Management Unit Financial /Asset Forfeiture Investigation Component Commercial Crime Component Cyber Crime Unit Anti Corruption Task Team 69 DPCI Operational priorities
Organised Crime Component Tactical Operation Management Section (TOMS) Identifying Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Provincial offices Indentifying of specialized equipment for specific environments 70 DPCI Operational priorities
PROGRAMME 4: CRIME INTELLIGENCE Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyse crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations. Strategic objective: Contribute to the neutralizing of crime by gathering, collating and analyzing intelligence that leads to an actionable policing activity. The Crime Intelligence programme comprises the following two sub programmes: Crime Intelligence Operations Intelligence and Information Management 71
Key Departmental Programme 4: Crime Intelligence Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyse crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Crime Intelligence Operations Number of network operations resulting from intelligence files Intelligence and Information Management Number of crime intelligence products relating to: Operational analysis reports (profiles, intelligence analysis reports, communication analysis reports, communication interception analysis reports, and station and cluster crime threat analysis reports). Strategic analysis reports (including statistical reports and research reports). 72 PROGRAMME 4: CRIME INTELLIGENCE
Expenditure estimates: Programme 4: Crime Intelligence 73 Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyze crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations Personnel payments are largest component Operational expenditures associated with operations conducted e.g fuel and oil, travel and subsistence etc. Multi-year additional allocations from 2012/13 as to allow for the creation of enhanced vetting capacity, etc. Sub-programmes Crime Intelligence Operations Intelligence and Information Management TOTAL 2010/11 R million /12 R million
Crime Intelligence Mandate: - Crime Intelligence Operations provide for intelligence based crime investigations -Intelligence and Information Management provides for the analysis of crime intelligence patterns to facilitate crime detection, in support of crime prevention and crime investigations Objectives and measures: Contribute to the neutralisation of crime through crime intelligence projects, operations and investigations by: Gathering, collating and analyzing intelligence that leads to an actionable policing activity Compiling crime intelligence products and reports to identify crime prone areas and suspects Conducting operations focusing on serious and violent organised crime, security intelligence, property related crimes and crimes dependent on police actions 74
Provide actionable intelligence on crime priorities to enable prosecutions Focus intelligence operations against syndicates involved in organized crime, people smuggling and human trafficking Focus intelligence operations on recovery of illegal firearms Enhance analysis capacity to improve the quality of crime threats assessments Enhance capacity to improve the Security Standard through vetting Strengthen the management of Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS) 75 Crime Intelligence Operational priorities
PROGRAMME 5: PROTECTION & SECURITY SERVICES Purpose: Provide protection and security services to all identified dignitaries and government interests. Strategic objective: Minimise security violations by protecting foreign and local prominent people and securing strategic interests. The Protection and Security Services programme comprises the following three sub programmes: VIP Protection Services Static and Mobile Security Government Security Regulator 76
Key Departmental Programme5: Protection & Security Services Purpose: Provide protection and security services to all identified dignitaries and government interests. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 VIP Protection Services Percentage of security provided in relation to security breaches. 100% protection provided without security breaches. Static and Mobile Security Percentage of security provided in relation to security breaches. 13 security breaches100% protection provided without security breaches. 77 PROGRAMME 5: PROTECTION & SECURITY SERVICES
Key Departmental Programme5: Protection & Security Services Purpose: Provide protection and security services to all identified dignitaries and government interests. Sub programme Programme performance indicatorBaseline (Audited performance 2009/2010 Target 2011/12 Government Security Regulator Percentage of identified Strategic Installations audited. 75% (157 from a total of 207) 50% (113 from a total of 227) Percentage of National Key Points evaluated 13098% (171 from a total of 175) Percentage of advisory reports compiled in relation to requests received. 88% (321 from a total of 365) 95% 78 PROGRAMME 5: PROTECTION & SECURITY SERVICES
Expenditure estimates: Programme 5: Protection and Security Services 79 Purpose: Provide a protection and security service to all identified dignitaries and government interests The relative growth in this programme is essentially due to carry-through effect of the compensation element (cost of living) Previous functions under this programme namely railway policing and ports of entry have been moved to Programme 2 : Visible Policing as the result of functional purification Sub-programmes VIP Protection Services Static and Mobile Security Government Security Regulator Operational Support TOTAL 2010/11 R million /12 R million
VIP Protection Services Provide 100% in-transit protection to all individuals identified as VIPs in terms of the Risk Management Policy, by virtue of their public office or strategic importance to the country (including foreign dignitaries) Provide 100% securing of strategic sites, venues and residences of all identified VIPs Render a professional policing service to the foreign diplomatic corps in the RSA Provide 100% planning and coordination of security services at VIP events in the RSA Reduce security breaches and incidents at Parliament by improving security measures 80 Protection and Security Services Operational priorities
Government Security Regulator Compile 95% of Physical Security Advisory Reports in relation to requests received Evaluate 98% (171) National Key Points declared as such for a period longer than 12 months in terms of compliance to the NKP Act Audit 50% (113) Strategic Installations from a total of 227 in terms of compliance to the Minimum Physical Security Standards 81 Protection and Security Services Operational priorities