Skype Workshop Welcome to the Skype Workshop July 12, 2012
Workshop Overview Skype Workshop Who is using Skype Skype Statistics Four reasons to use Skype Equipment Skype Installation Instructions Lighting and Background Appearance Body Positioning Checkpoints Video Conferencing Tips Break Demo Best Practices Questions / Comments
Who Is Using Skype? Career Centers Workforce Investment Boards Outplacement Firms Top 10 Global MBA Programs Universities Counseling Professionals Businesses Skype Workshop
Who's Using Skype to Interview Skype Workshop
Skype Statistics Skype Workshop Total percentage of small businesses that use Skype as a primary communication service - 35% Number of iphone Skype downloads in million Number of minutes that active Skype users spend on Skype per month minutes Average time spent on a Skype conversation - 27 minutes
Skype Workshop Connect to your next job and your future career Conference Calling Mobile Video Interviews More businesses are collaborating, saving on travel and attracting candidates Top 4 Reasons to Use Skype
WebCam Options HD Resolution 1080p Still Image Resolution 4 to 10 MP Built-In Microphone System Requirements (Windows 7, Vista, XP, Apple) Pricing From $20.00 to $100 USB Webcam Skype Workshop
Skype Installation Instructions Skype Workshop Go to Click on download for Mac or Windows depending on your operating system If you don’t have an account you will need to create one. Create an account name; first Name.Last Name Save file to a location that you can access. Go to file and click on program icon to launch file Follow defaults Click on I agree-next Click on continue Log-on with your Skype Name and password. Click continue to configure you camera and audio Click continue after your sound and video was check You can add a profile picture if you want click continue Click use this picture Click start using Skype To add a contact Click on contacts Click on Add Contact Type Skype User Name Click Add Done
Lighting and Background Simple and cheap lighting setup (Video)Video Natural light Simple surroundings Skype Workshop
Appearance - Clothing on Camera Be well groomed Dress accordingly No visible piercing Minimal jewelry No wearing patterns or white Wear solid colors instead of stripes or other designs that have harsh lines. The lines and stripes can cause distortion. Don't Skype Workshop
Appearance - Clothing on Camera Do! Don’t! Skype Workshop
Body Positioning Angle your knees to the corner of the computer screen Turn your head slightly back to look at the camera Sit tall but not too close to the camera First 3 buttons of your shirt should be visible Good shot of head, shoulders, and hands Upper half of body Skype Workshop
Arrive 10 minutes ahead of time Equipment functionality Camera position Move the Skype window as close as possible to the webcam/camera Close all other applications - pop-up screens, sound, etc. Skype Workshop Checkpoints Before The Interview
Colors Sound Background Noise Facial expressions Skype Workshop
Facial Expressions - what not to do! Skype Workshop
Video Conferencing Tips Look at the interviewer on the screen when they are talking Listen closely to instructions Look and speak into the camera when answering Relax and respond promptly Good manners Read each question carefully Budget time wisely Review tutorials provided by vendor/company Practice Skype Workshop
Break Skype Workshop
Demo Skype Workshop
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...Best Practices What were your observations during the demo? What have you identified as good/bad practices? Do you feel ready now? Skype Workshop
Questions / Comments / Feedback General impressions? What worked well / what needs re-work (you are helping to improve this class)? Tips you want to share with the class. If you presented this class, what would you add or subtract to improve this workshop? Skype Workshop