Thames FixEx Anyone who visits this site will be able to View Fixtures and View Directory. The Club Directory shows all the clubs set up on the system and by clicking on a club, you can see the club details and also the fixtures secretaries set up to use Thames FixEx. Please advise Steve Cullen of any amendments or additions to your club data. Non-fixtures secretaries can Register and use their username and password to set their Preferences to receive alerts of fixtures relevant to them. Fixtures Secretaries can also do this.
Fixtures Section: Club Directory – or access from home page. This is a view all visitors to the site can see, This is all the clubs set up on the system. Please contact Steve Cullen if you want your club added or have additional fixtures secretaries you wish to be added.
Fixtures Section: Club Directory – Windsor RFC.
Thames FixEx When Fixtures Secretaries login, they are able to view, edit and delete their fixtures on the system. And view all other club fixtures. For their own club, they are also able to Add a fixture, Edit Profile and set or change Preferences. Non-fixtures secretaries who have registered - when they login can Edit Profile and set or change Preferences.
Fixtures Section: Available Fixtures.. Shows John Laing logged in - Windsor RFC fixtures secretary. Able to view other club fixtures and edit, delete or add for Windsor.
Fixtures Section: Edit Fixture. Use calendar for date and input time - and drop down menus for other options. Save amendments. If fixture has been agreed, change Fixture Status to Fixture Agreed. It will go into Fixtures Archive – even if in the future.
Fixtures Section: Add Fixture. Use calendar for date and input time - and drop down menus for other options. Save Fixture.
Fixtures - Preferences. Tick the types of fixtures you would like to receive notification when they are posted by another club. Then Save.
Subscribe. Click the Berkshire County RFU panel to access the online payment section for either Senior or Youth subscriptions.
Contact. If you have any questions, please use this form and we will try and get back to you as soon as possible.