Developing the Carers Support Worker Role in Community Neurology Services Nottingham CitiHealth
Nov 2009 – City Central PBC Cluster were successful in funding application to DH Project Proposal was designed through partnership between City Central PBC Cluster and CitiHealth NHS Community Neurology Service (CNS) Project Implementation
Priorities - Local and National High quality standards of care for patients with long term conditions Reduction of emergency admissions related to long term conditions
Aim To provide improved support to carers of people with long term conditions
Post Development Service to be based and managed by CNS Post to be supported by the Carers Federation Steering group to be established Post to be piloted for 1 year Post recruited to September 2010
Service Objectives 1. To provide timely and appropriate information and emotional support to people with LTNCs and their families and carers To promote better physical, psychological and social support mechanisms To work in partnership with relevant agencies to ensure people are signposted appropriately
To provide access to welfare benefits information To encourage lifestyle changes To provide training and education in carer support to primary care clinicians To offer regular support to ease the burden on GPs services Service Objectives 2
Expected Outcomes 1. Carers and families will feel they have been supported appropriately Carers and families will feel more able to cope with physical, psychological and social effects of LTNCs Improved access to health and social care through signposting
Carers will feel empowered to make beneficial lifestyle changes Improved carer support awareness and competence in primary care Reduce carer support related GP consultations Expected Outcomes 2.
Work Action Plan Establish a Steering Group Confirm referral pathways Marketing of service Establish links with existing services Information regarding existing services /support for carers Collection of data
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