Working Together For Change A quick Introduction! Sue Wilson Regional Programme manager Getting a life. Transition and Person centred Approaches Hosted.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Together For Change A quick Introduction! Sue Wilson Regional Programme manager Getting a life. Transition and Person centred Approaches Hosted by Northamptonshire County Council

The vision of Putting People First can only be realised by empowering people who use services, their carers and families to play a leading role in shaping and driving the changes they want to see Working together for change is a simple process for putting people using services at the heart of commissioning

What is it ? A six stage process Based on information from individuals reviews, support plans or person centred plans Co produced process that can feed commissioning plans, Needs assessments and quality monitoring Tried and tested model

Before you start Decide what information do we want to collect? What area are we going to focus on? How will we gather the information ? Who are the key people to involve?

The Stages - Gather the person Centred Information Usually top 3 working and not working and aspirations for the future Can come from reviews, support plans or Person centred plans

The stages - Transfer information into a useable format Quality of information is key ! Anonymous process Transfer to separate cards or paper

The stages – Cluster and name Create themed clusters using a card call process Name the themes using an I statement I I dont like to trouble people so i dont ask for help I don t tell people when my health is not good I dont always ask for help when i need it

Stage 4 Analyse What's working Examine why something is working and think about how you can use this information.. These are the things you want to keep, share and copy ! For example I have staff who know me well Why does this work is it how we organise our staff ?

Stage 4 Analyse What's not working Look for immediate actions first Consider underlying causes and agree what success would look like Eg We don't put enough emphasise on relationships in the services we buy It isn't part of staff training Staff don't know how to connect with people and are too focused on tasks Success The person Staff and managers Commissioner I feel lonely I have friends There is time to do this as part of my job This is part of the service we buy

Stage 5 Action plan SO WHAT ! Identify actions that will work towards your vision for Success providers – Build developing relationships in to job descriptions and supervision user groups – Investigate local community groups Commissioners – Build into services specifications

Stage 6 - Share the Information The Crucial Final step. Learn from process and share ! With the people whose information you have used With other providers who may be able to adapt their services Others who may find the information useful

So Commissioners what else could you use the process for? Gaining a better understanding about the things that people value and don't value about how they are supported To understand what we need to monitor in service provision A smarter way to shop ! In hard times Dont buy what people don't value !! Telling the market what we really need ! To demonstrate to regulators we are really listening to our customers = best use of resources + choice and control outcomes