Business Plans Built by Stambaugh/2009 Jeff Stambaugh Dillard College of Business/Rm 257A
Motivation Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Are business plans a waste of time? Business plans are outdated shortly after they are printed!
Internal Audiences Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ What’s the plan ■ Roadmaps / milestones ■ What’s my role ■ How we doin’?
External Audiences Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Banks: can they repay, what collateral do they have ■ Investors: who are they, what’s the return ■ Suppliers / Partners: what do they add, can they make it ■ Prospective employees: growth, stability
Building the Plan Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Vision / Mantra (10 words or less) ■ Mission: include strategy ■ Elevator Pitch: 60 second (+/-) speech that: ■ Hooks fast (new product / competitive angle) ■ Specific request / status
5-M Plan for BP Strategizing Built by Stambaugh/2009 Mantra Mission Measures Methods Mechanics
BP Faux Pas Built by Stambaugh/2009 “Creative” Format Sloppiness Too ornate Unrealistic / undefined market Lack of external support (when available) Overly / “underly” aggressive financials No skin in game (if seeking money)
“Standard Format” Built by Stambaugh/2009 Cover Letter Title Page TOC Exec Summary The Company The Market The Organization The Financials Appendices
Cover Page Built by Stambaugh/2009 Good stationary with logo Personalized Follow the template: p. 213
Exec Summary Built by Stambaugh/2009 Product (don’t forget hook) Market Competitive Advantage Management (experience) Business (status/stage) Finances (details of offer)
The Company Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Description of status ■ Product / Service and Industry Analysis
Market Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Market and target customer ■ Competition / competitive advantage ■ Marketing strategy
The Organization Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Legal / org structures ■ Key personnel ■ Location
Financials Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Critical assumptions ■ The deal for investors ■ Income statements ■ Cash flow statements ■ Balance sheet statements ■ Milestones
Tailor the plan Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ For audience ■ For your business
Recognize the risks Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Numbers too optimistic ■ Sales don’t materialize ■ Competitors ■ Lack of experience ■ Inadequate cushion ■ Inadequate payback
Why Presentations? Link Link Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Passion? ■ Expertise? ■ Professionalism / Personality ■ Recruiting a team link link ■ Finding Soul mates link link
Class Takeaways Built by Stambaugh/2009 ■ Solid business plan is a key pathway to success ■ This is a legit opportunity ■ Product adds significant value to customer ■ Exciting business model with ability to defend its position ■ Well-defined target market in an attractive industry ■ They can handle competitors’ reactions ■ Management team is “ready” ■ Firm organized in appropriate, legal, ethical manner ■ Financials realistic with appropriate ROI ■ Risks are addressed