Overview and purpose Present your idea, give the big picture Key idea Purpose Note: It is expected that you present one application that can be implemented with “TIE kind of WSN” but not limited to it – still try to keep your application requirements reasonable Note: Use images and graphs where ever you can and avoid too much text TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation 2
Need / Motivation Why this application? What is its target benefit(s)? Is it possible to measure benefits and how? 3 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
Existing Similar Applications List here any possible examples of existing applications –Can be ”close calls” –Already done with other technologies? Then you should point out why your app is better or what new WSNs bring to that app TKT-2300 Student Presentation 4
Users Who are the users? There can be several user roles, list them What kind (experts, consumers, kids, real estate owners, …) How many –As whole –At the same time 5 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
WSN requirements What is required from WSN? –Measurement / diagnostics data? What basic principle(s) is applied –Monitoring –Positioning –Alarming –Indentifying –? 6 TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Existing Usable Technologies List here any existing technologies that you can find and could be used for you application TKT-2300 Student Presentation 7
Meaning of WSN Data (use additional slides to explain how these are to be handled) Location (where data originated) Period of use / of interest User rights (who and at what time) Interpretation of the data (as such or indirectly using multiple factors) What is reported/displayed to end user 8 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
General user interface requirements What devices required for the end user What end-user programs required Is it required to have contiunous UI operation (”on” all the time?) Several users? 9 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
User Interface (use multiple slides if necessary) Present here your idea of user interface(s) –What they should be –How should they work –What they should look like Does the application need a user interface ? What kind of reports and views are given to the user What user can select / configure Sketch of UI ”screens” 10 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
Other things? Interfaces, backbone networks What kind of data processing is required (averages, ….) Storage of WSN and/or UI data (how long..) 11 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
FORMAL ANALYSIS 12 TKT- 2301/2307 Student Presentation
Technical requirements Use the Excel template to –Fill in your requirements for the application –Compare it to the technology you find the most appropriate Copy paste to this slideset your RADAR chart and explain it TKT-2300 Student Presentation 13
Your radar chart here Lecture 9 (C) Tampere University of Technology/ DACI Functions Autonomy Field configuration Security Density of nodes (system) Range Mobility Sampling interval Reliability (% at sampling rate) Delay (node to GW) Max number of nodes (system) Size Price Lifetime Installation Installation (system) Robustness
Benefits analysis – why to use WSN? 15 CriteriaQuestionScoreComment Hard feasibility Wired solution is possible Range and area is small Immediate economical benefit Installation time is reduced Installation manpower is reduced Maintenance time is reduced Maintenance manpower is reduced Recycling and removal costs reduced Cheaper devices Improved features Get more information Better information Improved reliability Other…. Score: 0= no improvement/benefit over existing, 5= mesh WSN is the only solution/enabler TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Conclusions Can you implement your application with existing technologies? If not, what is missing / should be different? Estimation of person hours required to implement Estimated cost of implementation Is there real commerical potential on your application? TKT-2300 Student Presentation 16