This is my son, Jet
Jet was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of autism in which children have normal intelligence and language development but difficulties with social and communication skills, at the age of 5. But he’s not alone, as Asperger’s affects about 1 in 300, with boys being affected over girls 10:1.
Bright and early on Tuesday morning, Jet gets up and checks his “Getting Ready for the Day” board. This board allows Jet to work on everyday things more independently, which is important for any child to learn. The board is Velcro and can be rearranged according to the day. Children with Asperger’s such as Jet do not respond well to change. Straying from normal routines can cause meltdowns. In order for things to flow smoothly on a daily basis we use visual charts to plan out our day.
After breakfast, Jet has some time before his speech therapy class. His favorite activity is Guitar Hero. A video game that challenges your hand-eye coordination through simulated guitar tabs. As a 5 year old, he can get 100% on easy, the only thing holding him back from mastering the harder levels is the size of his little hands being unable to reach the fourth button!
Soon, it is off to Speech Therapy at the local elementary school. The class uses various exercises to improve the class’ use of speech. Jet attends, not because he has a speech problem, but to get social interaction with children his age.
At 4 pm, it’s time for Jet’s favorite therapy, horseback riding. This type of therapy is known as Hippotherapy and it is used for a number of things. Riders learn to relax tight muscles, increase balance and muscle strength, sharpen hand-eye coordination, and gain a sense of bosy awareness. Useful skills, as Asperger’s children often have delayed motor development. More important skills Jet learns are concentration, patience, and, most importantly, to socialize with the horse and trainers. He learns to communicate better by having to give the horse directions and receive directions from his trainers.
I must say too, that although he can be a little stinker & say these things, he can turn around & be so loving. He must tell me times a day, “Mommy, I love you.” He uses the term “200” if he is expressing something is big, or a lot. We were in the car the other day & he said, “Mommy, I love you 200!” I said, “I love you 300”, he said 400, & we went back & forth & I said 900, & he paused & said, “What comes after 900.” I said, “1,000.” He said, “Mommy, I love you 1000!” Isn't that a lot of love for such a little boy?" I laughed as my heart was melting. It's those moments that keep me going.
I hope teachers and educators everywhere hear Jet’s story and realize that children with Asperger’s are not simply “problem children,” sometimes if you dig a little deeper you will find that the problem is more complex than meets the eye. It is so often the case that these things are missed, and by sharing Jet’s story, I to save children the struggles that go along with not knowing. We need to help these kids, they can’t do it by themselves.
Primary Source (“Jet’s” Mother, personal communication, March 29, 2008) Supplementary Sources Knott, Katherine H., Ph D. Aspen Education Group. (2007). equine-aspergers-autism.html.aspergers-autism.html. Asperger’s Syndrome. (2008). Syndrome. (2008). guides/aspergers-syndrome-topic-overview.