Gregory Nolan Cripps
My birthday is on November 12, 1993 That makes me a Scorpio.
What makes me unique I have Asperger’s Syndrome Asperger’s is a form of high-functioning autism. Advantages are in analytical thinking such as in: Math Science Disadvantages are in: Communication Social Interaction
What I like to do in my free time Playing Nintendo Wii Taking walks in the park Birdwatching Trivia
My favorite school subjects Math Science Geography History
What I did over summer vacation Washington Aerospace Scholars Member of the Blue Team Click here to see more pictures of me Click here to see more pictures of me
What I did over summer vacation Vancouver, British Columbia
What I did over summer vacation Rainiers Baseball
What I want to do after high school Study science at a community college and go on to a four-year college. Want to earn a degree in Environmental Science.
What I want to do after high school Travel across the world