Language Arts & Technology Prof. Susan Silverman Summer 2006 Parmeshwar Prashad Literature Extension Project “The Skin I am in” Book Review
“The Skin I am in” Introduction: This novel is recommended for middle and high school students. The novel is about a seventh grade student, Maleeka Madison, who searches for acceptance in her school. Maleeka faces tremendous challenges with peer pressure and rejection as she tries to blend in with the crowd. Miss Saunders, a new teacher, understood her problems and pressure her to achieve.
Ch-14 Maleeka, a very dark skinned girl who was teased all the time meet the new teacher, Miss Saunders for the first time.
Ch-2 Maleeka teased by john-John and friends. Miss Saunders encounters Carlese and Worm for the first time.
Ch-3 Maleeka, Char and the twins “hangout” in the bathrooms.
Ch-4 This is my favorite chapter in the book. The students were discussing what their faces say to the world.
Ch-5 Maleeka wrote her first piece for her diary. She find strength and comfort through her writing.
Ch-6 Maleeka got into a fight with Daphne. Maleeka was saved by Miss Saunders.
Ch-7 Maleeka lost her privileges at home and worked in the school office as a form of punishment.
? Ch-8 Maleeka met her old friend sweets.
Ch-9 Maleeka went to school with a new hair style.
Ch-10 Maleeka mom tried different things in order to make ends meet.
Ch-11 Maleeka and other kids are bullied in the lunch room constantly.
Ch-12/13 Maleeka divulge personal information about herself to the class.
Ch-14 Maleeka felt very comfortable having a discussion with miss Saunders.
Ch-15 Miss Saunders is always a poit of discussion in the school office.
Ch-16 Maleeka was taken by surprize when she visited char’s home.
Ch-17 Maleeka was molested by two strangers.
Ch-18 Maleeka is still traumatized by the incident and is not living up to Char’s expectation.
? ? Ch-19 Maleeka meet Caleb in the dention room.
Ch-20 Maleeka sneaks up and listen into a conversation between Miss Saunders and another teacher, Miss Tai. Miss Saunders divulged a great deal of personal information to Tai.
Ch-21 Miss Saunders had a personal talk with Maleeka.
Ch-22 Maleeka enter the library writing contest.
Ch-23 Char’s sister, Juju, blames Miss Saunders and the school for her failure.
Ch-24/25 Maleeka was pressured into helping Char destroy Miss Saunders classroom in an act of revenge. Caleb tried to warn Maleeka of Char.
Ch-26/27 Maleeka mom found out what Maleeka did. Her mother had no idea she was bullied into this.
Ch-28 Maleeka single handedly stood up for John-John who took a whopping from a set of boys
Ch-29/30 Maleeka was bullied by Char for hiding the truth of the incident.
Ch-31/32 Maleeka finally stood up against Char and others. She Lived up to Miss Saunders expection.
My Reflection This extension project provides a gateway to better understanding of the literature, “The Skin I’m In”. This activity not only give me, as a student, a great opportunity to express myself and reflect on the novel in a fun way, but also provided a sound bases for real understanding of the deeper meaning of the novel. I had to read and reread many parts of the novel in order to complete this project. I think the internet workshop, the online discussions, and now the extension projects are phenomenal tools for educators. Thanks to Susan and this class.
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