facebook Christopher Columbus is heading for home with a few “indios”. Hoping for no storms! WallPhotosFlairBoxesChristopher ColombusLogout View photos of Chris (5) Send Chris a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Genoa, Italy. Birthday: Between August 22 & October 31, 1451 Political: Loyal to the Catholic Monarchy Religion: Catholic Hometown: Genoa, Italy Friends Isabela FernandoBartholomew Diego Vicente Christopher Columbus is heading for home with a few “indios”. Hoping for no storms! January 21, 1493 Martín Christopher Columbus to King Fernando The native cacique Guacanagari, has given me permission to leave 39 of my men behind. I have founded the settlement of La Navidad. December 27, 1492 King Fernando to Christopher Columbus What are you plans now that you do not have the Santa María? December 26, 1492 Christopher Columbus is upset…the Santa María has run aground! December 25, 1492 Christopher Columbus to Queen Isabella Many of the men I have seen have scars on their bodies, and when I made signs to them to find out how this happened, they indicated that people from other nearby islands come to San Salvador to capture them; they defend themselves the best they can. I believe that people from the mainland come here to take them as slaves. They ought to make good and skilled servants, for they repeat very quickly whatever we say to them. I think they can very easily be made Christians, for they seem to have no religion. If it pleases our Lord, I will take six of them to Your Highnesses when I depart, in order that they may learn our language October 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus sighted land a few hours before 2:00 am! October 12, 1492
Personal Information facebook Christopher Columbus i s heading for home with a few “indios”. Hoping for no storms! WallPhotosFlairBoxesChristopher ColumbusLogout View photos of Chris (5) Send Chris a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Genoa, Italy. Birthday: Between August 22 & October 31, 1451 Political: Loyal to the Catholic Monarchy Religion: Catholic Hometown: Genoa, Italy Photos Networks: Genoa, Italy Sex: Male Birthday: Between August 22 & October 31, 1451 Hometown: Genoa, Italy Relationship Status: Married to Filipa Moniz Perestrelo Political Views: Loyal to the Catholic Monarchy Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Sailing the “Ocean Sea” and searching for a faster route to the Indies Interests: Sailing, Biblical prophecies, drawing maps Favorite Music: Beatles – “Help”, Neil Diamond – “America” Favorite Movies: National Treasure, Coming to America Favorite TV Shows: Lost, Gilligan’s Island, Survivor Favorite Books: The Holy Bible, The Second Book of Esdras, The Travels of Marco Polo Likes ______________________________________________________________________ The Catholic Church My Voyage Updated last Saturday 2 Albums My Ships Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: The Niña, Pinta, and Santa María, Atlantic Ocean Phone Number: (001)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Chris 7 Photos Chris’ Albums 2 Photo Alums My Voyage 5 photos My Ships 3 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Christopher Columbus is heading for home with a few “indios”. Hoping for no storms!