Supervision Regional Forum for Implementation of Regional Standards 9 th April 2008
Project Plan 1.Design a Regional Policy template 2. Produce Documentation Guidelines 3. Produce sample Documentation Templates 4. Devise Monitoring Tool(s) 5. Design Promotional Material
6. Design an Organisational Framework 7. Design a regional Education Framework 8. Agree an Approach for Measuring Supervision activity and effectiveness 9. Agree Mechanisms for Reporting Supervision quality improvement impact.
Working Groups Main Working Group Olive Macleod Anne Witherow Bob Brown Caroline Goldthorpe Alison Hume Paddie Blaney Angela Drury Deirdre Webb Learning and Development Subgroup Lesley Barrowman (NIPEC) Gerry Johnston (BMC) Marie Nesbitt (Educare) Lynn Fee (BHSCT) Elinor Welch (SEHSCT) Wendy Moore (NHSCT) Amanda McFadden (WHSCT) Jacqueline Clarke (SHSCT)
Main Working Group Meeting 1 – 22 nd November 2007 Outcomes 1 and 6: Regional Policy Template Organisational Framework Regional Policy Template incorporating organisational framework Circulated W/C 14/01/08
Background 1. Aim of Policy 2. Definition and Scope 3. Purpose of Supervision Activity 4. Principles of Supervision 5. Process of Supervision 6. Monitoring and Evaluation 7. Documentation and Recording 8. Roles and Responsibilities
5. Process of Supervision TrainingContracting Frequency of Supervision Preparation for Supervision Documenting Issues of Concern Storage of records Use of Patient/ Client Records
Appendices Appendix A - Range of Activities Appendix B - Contract for Supervision Appendix C - Supervisee Preparation Template Appendix D - Sessional Recording and Collation Form Appendix D - Guidance Notes for Documentation Appendix E - Documentation Template
Main Working Group Meeting 2 – 17 th December 2007 Outcomes 2, 3, 4 and start the process for 7: Documentation Guidance and Recording Templates incorporated in Regional Policy Template Circulated W/C 14/01/08 Learning and Development Subgroup work commenced.
Learning and Development Subgroup Development of a set of attributes and broad competencies for supervisors for both one to one and group supervision Development of broad competencies for supervisees Self-evaluation tools Recommendations for an eclectic approach to preparation of supervisors for their role Recommendations regarding CPD of supervisors Recommended critical level of supervision practice to maintain competence
1.Relationships/support/empowering/advocacy 2.Facilitation of learning/group and one –to one 3.Responsibility and accountability/self- management 4.Feedback/evaluating progress 5.Creating an environment for supervision 6.Problem solving/reflective practice/critical thinking 7.Evidence-based practice/policy/frameworks 8.Leadership 9.Managing conflict/challenge/negotiating skills
Main Working Group Meeting 3 – 23 rd January 2008 Outcomes 4, 5, 8 and 9: Monitoring tools, promotional material and monitoring of effectiveness of supervision and impact on quality
Still to come…. Main Working Group meeting 7 th March 2008 Further L&D Subgroup meetings: 11 th February th March 2008 Promotional Material Monitoring questionnaire Consultation with EDoNs/ DHSSPS Final Report May 2008