Building a Network of European Scientific Repositories Wolfram Horstmann Universität Bielefeld.


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Presentation transcript:

Building a Network of European Scientific Repositories Wolfram Horstmann Universität Bielefeld

DRIVER Motivation Scholarly communication changes towards distributed provision of text, data and services Repositories are thought as a saviour in this development An infrastructure supporting distributed repositories and services is needed

DRIVER Objectives Organisational structure for repositories e.g. the „Confederation“ Improving quality and standards in local rep. e.g. validation procedures Building a distributed runtime system e.g. service and data sharing Target Groups Repository Managers Service Providers Information System Executives

44 The DRIVER Initiative DRIVER-I 6/2006 – 11/2007 Organisational Models and Technical Test-Bed DRIVER-II 12/2007 – 11/2009 Running Organisation and Production Infrastructure DRIVER-Confederation 2010ff Operations Office and Technical Deployment

Some Results: Studies

Some Results: A Portal

Some Results: A Search

Some Results: Repository Registration

Some Results: Guidelines Build on knowledge from past & current IR projects (EU) 26 actively involved contributors (experts and repository managers) from 8 countries. Practical answers on how to: Improve full-text access Standardize metadata quality Create a reliable infrastructure for permanent identification, resolution, traceability and storage Resolve semantic and classification issues OA-Netzwerk-Meeting, Göttingen 19-FEB-2009

Some Results: Support structures

Some Results: Repositories 185+ harvested repositories 21 countries 856,264+ documents

Some Results: Service-Oriented-Arch. 9 hosting nodes 25+ Functionality typologies (services) 36 service Instances 3 applications: DRIVER Main, Belgium, Spain-Recolecta

13 Some Results: Runtime-System & Hosting Enabling Layer Data Layer EU Open Access Repositories Functionality Layer Administrators End users Advanced User Interfaces National portals Project Applications

Some Results: A software Meant for large service providers only!

15 Current Work: DRIVER-II Networking Confederation with who-is-who advisory board Outreach: LIBER, SPARC, US, JAPAN etc… Consolidation DRIVER-I Services packaged and performing in production quality Enhancement DRIVER-I Services Improved indexing and data aggregation functionalities DRIVER-II Services Enhanced publication management and functionality

DRIVER-II – Plan Networking DRIVER-I D-NET 1.0 F DUK B NL ISIDKPL NORIRL E DRIVER-I Test-Bed EL P SFIN DRIVER-I partners DRIVER-II new partners Additional Partners Month Service D-NET 2.0 Service orchestration Data harmonization Consolidation Innovation LT Test-bed Organizational model Joint Research IR Community Organizational development, support and discovery 0

17 DRIVER-II: Status WP4 (SURF) SURFD4.1Report on Enhanced Publication State of the art SURFD4.2Report on Object Models for Enhanced Publication SURFD4.4Sample Data Sets of Enhanced Publications SURFM4.1Demonstrators for Enhanced Publications WP7 (CNR) CNRD7.1 - M7.1Enabling Services Enhancement CNRD7.3 - M7.1Monitoring Tools WP8 (UNIBI) UniBiD8.2 - M8.2Aggregation Advancement CNRD8.1Complex Object Model Specification CNRD8.4Complex Object Model Integration Report CNRD8.3 - M8.3Data Layer Advancement ICMD8.5 - M81Automatic Relationships Inference Algorithms WP9 (NKUA) NKUAD9.1 - M9.1Enhanced Interaction Services NKUAD9.2 - M9.2Advanced User Functionality Services NKUAD9.3 - M9.3Active Information Discovery WP6 (ICM) CNRD6.1 - M6.1 - M6.2Software Release and Producion Plan Today Consolidation Innovation Milestones Deliverables