CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Using AI tools for IT-CS Spectrum-based monitoring Véronique Lefébure IT/CS-CE February 2014
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Content SNOW tickets Monitoring data storage
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Operator’s role today Checks Spectrum screen:
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Operator Sees “Critical (red)” alarms Follows SNOW KB procedure –Possibly calls expert –And/or opens SNOW ticket: link to SNOW ticket form –for Firstline or for Wigner support: »2 SNOW Record Producer forms –Copy and paste information –Types INC ID (and comments) into Spectrum alarm info:
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Operator vs Netcom team During Working HoursOutside Working Hours Netcom TeamCritical (red) alarms Major (orange) alarms OperatorCritical (red) alarms after 10 minutes Critical (red) alarms Netcom follows alarm procedure link (Sharepoint)
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Creation of SNOW tickets with GNI Avoids “copy-and-paste” Useful both for Operator and Netcom team Easier follow-up on alarms when there are a lot of them Correlation between alarms and SSB interventions or incidents GNI dashboard correlation between Network alarms and other alarms Need: INC ID back from GNI (and not EVT ID)
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Data storage CS uses Spectrum for storage of –SNMP Events and alarms for last days (limited by Spectrum MySQL DB size) –Service Outages CS has home-made storage system for –Alarm long-term history –Part of statistics (in RRD files) –SYSLOG data CS provides info to SLS CS lacks –Storage for the rest of statistics –Correlation engine between SNMP and SYSLOG data (for vendors with no syslog trap support)