WHAT THEY DO Is a program that focuses on the Scientific study of the ecology and behavior of microbes, plants, and animals Inhabiting oceans, costal waters, and salt water wetlands and their interactions with the physical environment.
Skills needed The skills needed to become a marine Biologist is 3 years of social science/ Humanities, 4 years of technical specialty, 4 years of science, 4 years of math,4 Years of English, and P.E. as many years That are required.
BASIC SKILLS The basic skills that marine biologist need Are a high level of reading Comprehension, a high level of active Listening, a medium level of writing, Medium level of speaking, medium level of Mathematics, medium level of science, High level of critical thinking, high level of active listening medium levels for learning Strategies and monitoring.
INTEREST AND VALUES People that are interested in becoming a Marine biologist must have work interest In investigation, and realistic. The values a marine biologist needs are achievement And independence.
Education and requirements The education a marine biologist needs is to Graduate high school and get a Associate, bachelors, and then masters, or a PHD. To get a masters or a PHD Degree you must complete undergraduate Degrees.
Money and Hours The average annual wage to become a marine biologist is $58,427 and the Average hourly wage is $28.09
My back up career: Interior designer BY: Rebecca Martinez
What Interior Designers do Interior designers plan, design, And furnish interiors of residential, commercial, or Industrial buildings. Interior Designers may specialize in a Particular field, style, or phase Of interior design. Interior Designers use computers to plan layouts that can be changed easily to include ideas received from the client.
Skills Needed The skills needed to become an Interior designer are 4 years of Social science/ humanities,4 years Of technical specialty, as many Years required for science, 4 Years of mathematics, 4 years of English, as many years required t For P.E.
Basic skills The basic skills needed to become An interior designer are a medium level of Reading comprehension, Active listening, writing, speaking, Mathematics, critical thinking, Active learning, learning Strategies, and monitoring, BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL IS SCIENCE
INTEREST and VALUES People that are interested in this type of job must have work interest in artistic, and Enterprising. The work values people must have are in achievement, and in Independence.
Education and Requirements The type of education a person Needs is to graduate from high School and in a general vocation/ Technical program. A person can Get a typical associates, bachelors Degree. After completing the Undergraduate degree can get a Masters or a PHD.
MONEY and HOURS The average annual wage for an Interior designer in California is $ 53,160. And the average hourly Wage is $25.56.
IN CONCLUSION Both these jobs would fit my Personality and the way I am With coming up with new ideas. First step to achieve my dream Career I must graduate high school.