Lab Book of Xiaofei Fu’s Training Program
Elevator Pitch About Build-it-yourself: Build-it-Yourself is an art and engineering program offered to kids 8-13 after school. We have a team of students majoring in art and engineering primary from MIT, Mass Art and Connell. Our mission is to inspire kids to build with creative ideas. About me My name is Xiaofei Fu, from Shanghai, China. I have a Bachelor Degree in Pharmaceutical Science. I am now in a PhD program at Umass in Nanoscience. Love cooking, hope to own a restaurant in Boston. Learning guitar, hope to play as good as Taylor Swift.
Competitors Suppliers: Marratech / Google Craft Stores Radio Shack Suppliers: Marratech / Google Craft Stores Radio Shack Customers: Summer Camps After-school programs Parents Customers: Summer Camps After-school programs Parents Complementors: Publishers Manufacturers Retail Outlets Schools Complementors: Publishers Manufacturers Retail Outlets Schools Competitors: Teachers Local Museums Mad Science Bright Horizons Competitors: Teachers Local Museums Mad Science Bright Horizons Build-It-Yourself
Differentiators 1) Multidiscipline - Attract broad range of kids 2) Build-It-Blocks (modular construction) - Build complex projects quickly 3) Collaboration with art and engineering students - Build mentor relationships 4) Focus on the presentation of ideas - Kids get positive feedback when their projects look cool. 5) Invention Universe - Develop a portfolio and resume ContentSpecialists Collaboration BIY
BIY BIY’s Xiaofei’s Deliver great workshops to schools Have ¼ students return Speaking confidently in public No complaints Get positive s from parents
Responsibilities -Lead workshop project: preparation, discussions, construction tip presentations and review sessions. -Manage, inspire and engage kids: Kids should have fun learning new tricks. -Set up and clean up. -Report wins and losses.
Measure of Success for Students and Workshop Leaders 1. Does it solve a problem? 2. Does it use creative materials? 3. Does it look “way cool?” ??? 1.No complaints -safety 2. 40% of students are engaged.
Practice Presentations 1. Introduction of Build-It- Yourself 2. Presenting Ideas -BIY intro and Team intro 30` -Laws of the Lab -Problem -Mission -Lab Book -Clear, concise and convince -Way cool -Public speaking -Telling stories
Practice Presentations 3. Problem Solving Tricks -Define problem -Research -Brainstorm -Break problem into simple solutions -Document Lab Book
Record and Critique Presentations Record and Listen What can be better? What’s you like?
Build 5 projects 1) Scratch games. 2) Web design. 3) Flying machines. 4) Lego robots that earn money. 5) Time machines
Review Reporting Tools Document summary of each student. -Return student -Engaged -Parent attended and gave -Invite to be a BIY crew member -Problems (dropped or complained) Summarize stats -Tot # students -% engaged -% return students -% problems (dropped or complained) See Concord XLS
Personal Teaching Vignettes and Teaching Techniques 1.Solid speaking 2.Patience 3.Being familiar with projects 4.Being Active 5.Collection of stories and jokes
Participate In Workshops