1 Novel Capabilities of Power Quality Monitoring at the Smart Grid Netzah Calamaro, Yuval Beck, Doron Shmilovitz Israel Electric Company, TAU energy conversion lab, HIT
2 Grid event location Existing array of power quality monitors and meters
3 innovative software tools for smart grid diagnostics and control Software that analyzes grid through waveform monitoring. Modern electric energy transport theories significantly contribute to this Periodic averaged theories, instantaneous theories re-investigated Hardware infrastructure already exists
4 Current’s Physical Components theory The way it’s done Current decomposition into physical components Power decomposition into physical components All components are orthogonal Orthogonal = independent = separate
5 Current’s Physical Components theory Advantages Energy measurement active/reactive load characterization grid monitoring and control load identification Disadvantages requires Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) X 8 channels Minimal response time: half a cycle For active filter requires storage components (explain what is a filter)
6 Current’s Physical Components theory Components: Active Reactive Scattered Unbalanced Backward Orthogonality: Physical decomposition:
7 Current’s Physical Components theory Voltage and current harmonic representation (FFT)
8 Current’s Physical Components theory Decomposition Algorithm Back to grid monitoring and control
9 Instantaneous p-q theory p – active, q- reactive Significantly different from periodic averaged theories (CPC) Instead of periodic averaged powers, it’s instantaneous powers Power components are completely different physical meaning than CPC
10 Instantaneous p-q theory Advantages Grid monitoring and control Active filtering, power conditioning Not require storage components Latency: instantaneous, immediate Disadvantages Not characterize active/reactive load correctly Why? Recognition of active/reactive requires a period and not an instant. Less suitable for energy measurement
11 Instantaneous p-q theory The way it’s done Physical meaning of powers Back to grid monitoring and control
12 Instantaneous p-q theory Decomposition algorithm To filter
13 Instantaneous p-q theory Clark Transformation
14 Grid monitoring and control application - CPC
15 Grid monitoring and control application – p-q
16 Instantaneous p-q theory Novel application: Microscope, telescope To microscope To telescope
17 Instantaneous p-q theory Novel application: Microscope, telescope Telescope: To schematic
18 Instantaneous p-q theory Microscope, telescope Microscope: To slide 16
19 Instantaneous p-q theory Active Power quality through active filtering To schematic To constant power
20 Instantaneous p-q theory Active Power quality through active filtering – constant power To slide 11
21 (d) Fig. 9: (a) Group delay spectra of active+ scattered. (b) Phase delay spectra of active+ scattered. (c) Magnitude response spectra of active+ scattered. (d) Phase response spectra of active+ scattered. Current’s Physical Components theory PC farm Load identification To flow diagram
22 (c) Current’s Physical Components theory AC motor Load identification To flow diagram
23 Current’s Physical Components theory - dimmer Load identification To flow diagram
24 Current’s Physical Components theory algorithm To pc farm To AC motor To dimmer
25 Conclusion: Over existing infrastructure of power quality monitors Using only software located at the MDM (Meter Data Management) Additional grid power quality data is obtained over EN is obtained It requires modern electric energy transport theories knowledge
26 Conclusion: Novel applications presented: Telescope, microscope – for grid movement between branches Grid monitoring and control Grid active filtering Power flow –energy flow optimization
27 Questions