Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Co-funded by the European Commission under its 7 th Framework Programme Surveying Clouds in the Global Environment Dr. Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET eAge 2014, Muscat
Cloud activity in CHAIN-REDS 2 Objectives Study cloud compatibility, interoperation, orchestration and federation issues Provide guidelines for these Promote interoperation and federability between different clouds initiatives via standards
Global cloud survey 3 Survey conducted in early 2014 Arab region, Africa, Latin America, China, India, Europe Aimed at Cloud providers, developers, users China InititativeServicesFunding/AccessCountry Distributed cloud at IHEP Used by BESIII experiment Private. Public fundsChina CNGRidIaaSPrivate. Public fundsChina ScienceCloudIaaSPrivate. Funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences China Private companies Alibaba Cloud Computing IaaS and PaaSPublic. Private fundsChina Baidu CloudIaaS and SaaSPublic. Private fundsChina Tencent CloudIaaS, PaaS and SaaSPublic. Private fundsChina
Results: providers 4 Europe: >20 participants in the EGI Federated Cloud, >35 (including private companies) in Helix-Nebula China: CAS, IHEP.,CNGrid - providing cloud computation and storage India, several institutions are deploying clouds for R&E, example CDAC Africa: only South Africa commercial presence of Microsoft via UniCloud service, plus initial developments elsewhere Latin America (apart from Brazil): seed initiatives Very limited federation efforts apart from Europe: some in Brazil, while China and India have distributed national infrastructures
Results: size and users 5 40% with very small infrastructures (<10 CPUs): testing purposes, production on small environments 50% medium ( CPUs): production environments, where some of the commodities have been migrated to the cloud and resources are being employed by scientists or educators also 10% large (>1000 CPUs, storage on disk, tapes): cloud providers for third parties or administrators of large institutions where a significant part of their infrastructure has been migrated Users - 3 types: education, research and commodities Research: bioinformatics, physics, chemistry, engineering
Results: Technical and management aspects 6 Hypervisors - Open Source solutions - KVM, Xen. Small number of VMWare and hyperV deployments 2/3 familiar with OCCI protocol, consider it important and support it in their infrastructures – or are in the process of supporting it; not China and India which have typically proprietary solutions Cloud storage – CDMI, SWIFT. Other configurations include ownCloud or proprietary systems Monitoring: vast majority uses standard existing tools (nagios, Ganglia, OpenNebula monitoring, etc.) Authentication: 1/2 uses X.509 certificates, relying on external CAs 3/4 for publishing information and would be ready to federate (in principle!)
Arab region: a snapshot 7 Commercial: providers available in telecoms sector - UAE, Egypt, Jordan R&E: Cloud Computing Lab at Carnegie Mellon Qatar; Ankabut in development; (actually developed?); IT Synergy (Egypt) in CHAIN-REDS cloud test-bed; TAG is deploying its own private cloud to support universities and research institutions
Global recommendations (1) 8 Rec1: correct deployment of technology and adoption of standards If a region/organisation plans to create a public cloud for R&E and they want to share its computing and storage resources with other clouds available in other parts of the world, it is suggested to choose a cloud middleware already supporting the OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface) and CDMI (Cloud Data Management Interface) If a region/organisation already owns and operates a public cloud for R&E and chosen middleware is not compliant with CDMI and OCCI standards, it is suggested to create the needed services and endpoints to support those standards Technical guidelines about how to configure sites in order to be part of the CHAIN-REDS cloud test-bed available at
Global recommendations (2) 9 Rec2: deploy standards-based, proof-of-principle intercontinental cloud federations, to be able to demonstrate the feasibility on a global scale CHAIN-REDS global cloud federation Baseline: EGI Federated Cloud Task Force OCCI and CDMI standards as a prerequisite for federation Orchestration system, based on CLEVER, linking several Cloud providers Cloud federation demo As an application accessible by the CHAIN-REDS Science Gateway
Global recommendations (3,4) 10 Rec3: ease of access (authentication and authorisation): this is one of the crucial factors and as such should be a priority in stand-alone as well as federated cloud environments CHAIN-REDS approach to Identity-Federation based access with eduGAIN access to Scientific Gateway; example GRNET ~okeanos available via eduGAIN Rec4: Documentation and training: documentation and training on cloud computing is of high importance to ensure the take-up of the technology and overcome the adoption barrier
Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Co-funded by the European Commission under its 7 th Framework Programme Thank you !