Facilitating Sustainability Conversations on Campus: Challenges and Successes of a Sustainability and Civic Engagement Book Group Brian Bluhm M.Ed. Candidate - Environmental Education University of Minnesota Duluth
Background and Planning Facilitating the Conversation Communication Update Best Practices in Leading Sustainability Conversations University of Minnesota Duluth. (2008). Overview
Know your campus environment Partnership with the Office of Civic Engagement New UMD Strategic Plan Liberal Education Requirement
Recruitment Recruit through existing contacts Utilize Lists Peer invitations are very important o Peer-pressure works!
Logistics University of New Hampshire Press. 30 people Food – UMD Catering Civic Engagement paid for books Sustainability paid for meals Why this book? Case studies of the University of New Hampshire Easy to use
Prioritize the Discussion Facilitation 4 Sessions – 1 Chapter per Session Discussion Based upon the Four Themes: a. Biodiversity and Ecosystems b. Climate and Energy c. Food and Security d. Culture and Sustainability Discussion Questions Developed from the Theme of Each Chapter Followed Overview with Discussions of Campus Applications
Use the Resources You Have: Share the Facilitation Invited members to guest facilitate discussion based on professional interests Co-facilitated discussion with the Office of Sustainability facilitator
Document the Conversation Appointed Note Taker Use Google Docs with Links
Outcomes: Keeping It Going Grants Improve sustainability education at UMD Continued Conversation Learning It Forward Bluhm, B. (2012).
Lessons Learned Peer to Peer Invitations Build upon Existing Programs and Knowledge Make it Relevant Tie into University Mission Provide Resources Quick Follow-up Include additional information Food Bluhm, B. (2012).
What's Next? Expand connections in new campus departments and offices Connections with other groups doing similar work
Idea Exchange: Best Practices for Campus Sustainability Conversations More Ideas? Please Brian Bluhm at Facebook: