Updates John Hitchcock & Dang Chonwerawong Co-Chairs
Committee Charge Complete E&D report to be submitted to the Dean by the end of this academic year. Review and update the search and screen consultation process. Consider how E&D can promote the values of equity, diversity, and social justice in all programs and units. Consider climate issues and how to capture data related to these issues, particularly on students who leave our programs. Consider how the committee can assist the Dean in responding to the public about situations or concerns relating to diversity and equity issues. Review the committee’s charge, composition, and structure.
Complete E&D report to be submitted to the Dean by the end of this academic year. The report will be completed by June 30 th. Sub-committee members: Jerlando Jackson, Dang Chonwerawong Aaron Bird Bear Brad Zurick, Catherine Stephens Derria Byrd.
Review and update the search and screen consultation process. Reviewed and updated the TIPS document. Trained committee members on the consultation process. Included Assistant Dean Staci Francis from HR in the consultation process.
Consider how E&D can promote the values of equity, diversity, and social justice in all programs and units. Collaborate with departments and units to promote events, workshops, and seminar. Example, co-sponsored the author visit for the Common Read. Promote departmental and school-wide discussions based on the theme of the Common Read. Make recommendations through E&D report. To continue or not continue with the Common Read? If so, please suggest book titles or themes.
Consider climate issues and how to capture data related to these issues, particularly on students who leave our programs. OURR is working on collecting cohort based data using the data warehouse and a data based created by Brad. Reviewed and discussed results of a pilot climate survey given to students in the teacher education programs during the fall of Will be making a recommendation related to this issue in our report.
Consider how the committee can assist the Dean in responding to the public about situations or concerns relating to diversity and equity issues. The committee will decide when a public response is needed either from the committee or the Dean. The committee will work with ERO & Associate Dean Jeff Hamm in crafting its statement.
Review the committee’s charge, composition, and structure. Added student undergraduate and graduate student representatives. Six sub-committees: Universal Access & Design, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues Faculty Mentoring Equity Reports Underrepresented Students Harassment/Violence Prevention
Universal Access & Design LGBTQ Investigate current state of campus-wide AARC. Collect statements relating to access and accommodations to be included in course syllabi. Met with the LGBTQ center director. Plan to set goals for next year.
Faculty Mentoring Underrepresented Students Jim will offer to meet with second and third year faculty individually to answer questions about departmental review process or tenure process. A faculty panel to discuss tenure process will be offered in the fall or early spring. Created the first award for “Excellence in Diversity.” winner: Dr. Alberta Gloria Worked on drafting a statement on civil discourse that can be used in course syllabi to promote positive classroom climate.
Harassment and Violence Prevention Co-sponsoring an art exhibit “Force” in the fall semester to address sexual violence from youth perspectives. Partners: PAVE, Art Department, Counseling Psychology, and UHS.
Summary We are the best E&D committee on campus! Thank you to departing members: Dr. Mary Schneider and Betsy Pike. Summer project: work on how to integrate equity and diversity into the new SOE website : Climate survey