SENSORY BOARD FOR ADAMS ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND Danielle Napoli Alyssa Smith Christine Wakefield NAPOLI, SMITH, WAKEFIELD 1 Team 22 Project 41 TA – Sarah Brittain Faculty Advisor – Dr. John Enderle Client – Brian Schwarz
OVERVIEW The final design will be a 12 ft long, 4 ft tall and 5 in think board positioned at angles. The panels on the ends of the board will be slightly shorter so that children in wheelchairs will be able to roll underneath them and have an opportunity to enjoy all of the activities. NAPOLI, SMITH, WAKEFIELD 2
OVERVIEW Panel 1-A: Music Panel Panel 1-B: Memory Game Panel 2-A: Communication Panel 2-B: Sonar Panel Panel 3-A: Create-A-Picture Panel 3-B: Hand Crank Game NAPOLI, SMITH, WAKEFIELD 3
COMPLETED WORK Programming Sonar Panel Hand Crank Memory Game Ordered 3 more Arduino Duemilanove Received guidelines in mail from vendor
SUCCESSES Got much of the programming done Ordered and should have received more Arduinos Finally meeting president of Adam’s Adventure board, and possibly Adam’s mother, before final presentation on Monday
DRAWBACKS Spent several hours testing the sonar sensors, but haven’t seen any voltage from them yet Not sure if programs work with hardware yet Vacation has delayed our progress somewhat Still need to call to ask about some donations
FUTURE WORK See timeline on website
FUTURE WORK - DELEGATIONS NAPOLI, SMITH, WAKEFIELD 8 Danielle Napoli Memory Game Find Braille vendor and get quote Ordering LEDs Alyssa Smith Chimes Call about HDPE & push button donations Materials Christine Wakefield Call about Hand Crank Generator donation Get sonar sensors working Memory Game Everyone Test finished programs Order other supplies Practice soldering
BUDGET We began with a total of $3,000 $1,000 from Biomedical Engineering Department $2,000 from School of Engineering Ordered 3 more Arduino Duemilanove boards before break Total amount spent: $ (BME) +$82.17 (SoE) = $ BME Budget Remaining: $ SoE Budget Remaining: $1, NAPOLI, SMITH, WAKEFIELD 9
HOURS WORKED Danielle Napoli 8.5 hours Alyssa Smith7 hours Christine Wakefield8 hours NAPOLI, SMITH, WAKEFIELD 10