The Atmosphere
Composition Nitrogen Oxygen Other –Argon –Carbon Dioxide –Methane –Water Vapor Atmospheric dust
Nitrogen Most abundant 78% Volcanoes erupt Dead plants and animals decay
Oxygen 2 nd most abundant about 21% Produced by plants
Atmospheric Dust Mostly soil Salt Ash from fires Volcanic fires Explosion matter People bits- skin, hair, bits of clothing Pollen Bacteria & Viruses Aerosols- tiny liquid droplets
Air Pressure Atmosphere pulled by gravity THUS denser near Earth’s surface Most Earth’s atmospheric gases located within 30 km of surface Why is it harder to breathe at higher elevations?
Layers Troposphere –18 km above Earth’s surface Stratosphere –18-50 km Mesosphere –50-80 km Thermosphere – km
Troposphere Nearest Earth Almost all weather occurs here Densest layer –Why? Temperature decreases as altitude increase
Stratosphere Temperature rises as altitude rises Contains ozone layer –absorbs UV radiation reduces amount of UV radiation hitting the surface –How does this help us? Ozone absorbs UV energy & warms air Ozone- molecule made of three oxygen atoms
Mesosphere Coldest layer Temperatures have reached -93° C
Thermosphere Nitrogen & Oxygen absorb UV radiation 2,000°C Would not feel hot –VERY THIN –particles rarely collide to transfer heat
Lower Thermosphere N & O atoms in lower thermosphere absorb harmful solar radiation (X & gamma rays) Ions- electrically charger particles seen in North and South Poles Ionosphere
Energy in the Atmosphere Radiation- transfer of energy across space Conduction -flow of energy from direct conduct of a warmer object to a cooler object Convection- transfer of heat from air currents
Energy Solar energy reaches Earth as electromagnetic radiation –Visible Light –Infrared Radiation –Ultraviolet Light Only two BILLIONTHS of sun’s energy reach Earth
Energy Absorption Only HALF of the solar energy that enters atmosphere reaches Earth’s surface Other half: –Absorbed or reflected by clouds, gases, or dust –Reflected by Earth’s surface Why does the Earth just get hotter and hotter?
Heating Oceans and land radiate the energy they have absorbed BACK into the atmosphere Dark colored objects absorb more than light colored objects Cities tend to be hotter in temperature than countryside
Movement of Energy in Atmosphere Hotter air=less dense Cooler air=more dense Air is heated rises Air cools falls Convection Currents: rising and falling of air with the heating and cooling
Greenhouse Effect Sunlight enters atmosphere, heat is radiated back, some escapes, REST is absorbed by greenhouse gases and radiated back to surface
Greenhouse Gases Trap and radiate heat Not a high concentration of them in atmosphere Abundant gases: –Water vapor –Carbon dioxide –Methane –Nitrous oxide Carbon dioxide and methane results from industrial processes