Chapter 1Introducing the Internet and Web Technologies Chapter Objectives After learning this chapter you will be able to: b b Describe the past, present, and future of the Internet and Web technologies. b b Know various types of Web programming languages. b b Understand a variety of Web development tools and make proper choices. b b Convert text/word documents, presentation slides, and spreadsheet files into Web pages.
Internet and Web Technologies b b A Brief History of the Internet b b Internet Navigation Technologies First Generation—FTP for listing and transferring files Second Generation—Gopher for finding text-based information only Third Generation—HTML for writing static, multimedia Web page Fourth Generation—DHTML for writing dynamic, multimedia Web pages Fifth Generation—XML (Extensible Markup Language), WML (Wireless Markup Language), and WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
Web Languages b b HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) You can create HTML files without knowing nor writing any HTML tags. However, understanding it helps you develop advanced Web pages.) b b DHTML (Dynamic HTML) a combination of HTML, scripting, and database publishing Script languages: VBScript, JavaScript, ….
Web Development Tools Microsoft FrontPage 98/2000 MS Expression Web and SharePoint Designer Netscape Communicator’s Composer (Free download) Sun Microsystems StarOffice (Free download at Macromedia Dreamweaver (Free 30-day trial at Adobe Golive (Free 30-day trial at Allaire Cold Fusion (Free 30-day trial at Windows Notepad and Other Text Editors
Web Development Tools Cont… b b PaintShop Pro (Shareware, b b Photoshop ( b b Microsoft Photo Editor b b Active Server Pages (ASP and ASPX) b b Common Gateway Interface (CGI) b b Java and JavaScript b b Visual Basic and VBScript b b C++ and C#
Tool Selection Principle: Spending Less for More b b Buy low and sell high: an investment approach. b b Use freeware, shareware, and beta versions of the new tools to: develop innovative, state-of-the-art Web pages and sites, keep you on the cutting edge of the new technologies. b b Freeware sites: b b Search sites:
Learning by Doing b b Convert a Text File into HTML b b Convert a Spreadsheet File into HTML b b Convert a Presentation File into HTML