Michigan Tenure Law Update By Glenn Maleyko Director of Human Resources Dearborn Public Schools August 25th, 2011 General Administrators meeting
Tenure Act Amendments Rating scale, ineffective, minimally effective, effective and highly effective by September 19, 2011 Changes tenure to 5 years unless a probationary teacher receives highly effective on 3 annual evaluations, then it is 4 years of probation Tenure only granted after receiving effective or highly effective rating 3 years in a row.
Evaluation Evaluation must include student growth data by %, %, %. If there are student growth and assessment data available for at least 3 school years it must be included in annual evaluations. Governor Committee on Student Growth and Assessment. October 31st, Will make recommendations by April 2012.
Evaluations Must be in place by September 1st, All Administrators and Teachers must receive a year-end evaluation. Our current system complies in meeting this deadline.
Evaluation Continued -By : IDP goals developed for all first year probationary teachers or any teacher rated minimally effective or ineffective on most recent evaluation By : Mid year progress report required for a first year teacher or for a teacher rated minimally effective or ineffective on his/her most recent year end evaluation
Observations By : Performance evaluations must include classroom observations. MCL The observer must review 1. Lesson Plans 2. State Curriculum Used 3. Pupil Engagement -The observation does not have to be for a full period. -Multiple observations are needed for teachers unless they received a rating of effective or highly effective on the 2 most recent year-end evaluations.
Tenure 4625 Continued Tenured Teachers rated minimally effective or ineffective have 180 days to improve via an IDP Tenured teachers rated minimally effective or ineffective on three most recent year end evaluations must be dismissed. Probationary Teachers are notified 15 days rather than 60 for non-renewal of a contract Tenure hearing must be concluded 75 days after a claim vs. 90 days.
4626 Tenure Act Amendments Changes the dismissal standard for tenure teachers from reasonable and just cause……….. To not arbitrary and capricious. Demote is now defined as 15 or more consecutive days of suspension (unpaid) vs. the previous standard of 3 days. No more than 30 days of lost compensation in total during the year.
Administrators Administrator includes building level school administrators and central office-level administrators who are regularly involved in instructional matters Administrator Evaluations must include how administrators evaluate teachers or other administrators.
4628 Collective Bargaining Effective after the current CBA expires in June 30, 2013 Prohibited areas for bargaining include: Teacher placement, decisions on reduction in work force and/or layoff The standard for any decisions on Teacher Discipline or Discharge
4628 Other Prohibited areas of Collective Bargaining Number of Classroom Observations Merit Pay How parents are to be notified about ineffective teachers. Teacher Evaluation Tool
Upcoming I plan to work with the Teacher Evaluation committee to ensure we make changes to the system that puts us in compliance with the new legislation. I will also be looking to put together a group to work on the administrator evaluation tool. I believe that we are in good shape given the work that has already been done.