College of Education Faculty Meeting October 2, 2009
Program Structure Instructional Certificate Program ▫Separate Inquiry Brief Administration Program ▫Separate Inquiry Brief Educational Services ▫Consultant or Professional Organization Review ▫Appendix in Instructional Certificate Program Brief
Inquiry Brief Proposal Introduction Claims and rationale for assessments Method of assessing
Inquiry Brief Introduction Claims and rationale for assessments Method of assessing Results Discussion of results and plan References Appendices
Processes Needed Claims, evidence, reliability & validity ▫Faculty Gather information on programs & faculty for Appendices ▫Assessment Coordinators and chairs Evaluate our quality control system ▫Accreditation committee
Timeline Spring 2011: Draft of Inquiry Brief Proposal Sept. 2011: Inquiry Brief Proposal Submitted Nov-Dec 2011: Audit by TEAC 2012 Summer: Initial Accreditation Awarded 2012: Expiration of NCATE Accreditation 2016: Inquiry Brief Submitted & Audit 2017: Continuing Accreditation
Work Session I Within your group review and discuss the proposed claims in terms of: Commitment to the claim: Is this something you’d want your students to demonstrate? Ability to support the claim: Can we provide evidence for the claim? Develop a written response to be handed in.
Proposed Claims Claim 1: Our candidates are qualified to teach their subject matter. Claim 2: Our candidates have acquired and demonstrate pedagogical knowledge, which includes an understanding of student’s developmental level, learning exceptionalities, and individual characteristics. Claim 3: Our candidates show sensitivity to cultural and ethnic diversity and act in a caring and professional manner. Claim 4: Our candidates have knowledge about urban communities and act to reduce discrimination, oppression, poverty, and other forms of social injustice through educational practices.
Work Session II In departmental groups fill in the claims chart with evidence you currently use or could use. Discuss validity of the evidence. Hand in the chart at end of session.
Reliability Accuracy of measurement Consistency and dependability If we measure something twice, will we get the same result? Are our measures free from bias?
Validity Are we measuring what we think we are measuring? Do our indicators reflect our program claims? Do our measures provide relevant and useful information? Are our measures credible?
Questions? Please write any additional questions on an index card and hand it in. We will research this information for our future meetings.